Holding on to Hope in Your Waiting Season a 5-Day Plan by Krista PettifordSample

Holding on to Hope in Your Waiting Season a 5-Day Plan by Krista Pettiford

DAY 1 OF 5


“I have made you the father of many nations”—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

Romans 4:17

Talk about an impossible-sized promise. God promised Sarah and Abraham a child when she was barren!

When God gives us a promise that is bigger than what we can imagine, most people typically welcome His word with joy and gladness at first. As months and then years pass without the promise or prophetic word coming to pass, we can begin to lose hope and wrestle with believing God will fulfill His word.

We wrestle with the temptation to try to make things happen independently from God. We struggle not to give up and walk away from God’s plan. We begin to question if we heard God correctly. We reason within ourselves if God’s promise is attainable.

When God told Abraham he and Sarah would have a child, he had no idea he would have to wait twenty-five years before the promise came to pass.

Abraham believed that what God said was true, but when things did not happen right away, he and Sarah decided to take matters into their own hands. They produced a child in their strength and then realized they would still have to wait for God to fulfill His word if they wanted to experience the fulfillment of His plan.

They had a choice to make. They could settle for what they produced with their human effort. They could try again to produce something with their own strength or surrender the fulfillment of God’s promise to Him and trust Him to accomplish His plan at the set time. They chose to surrender and trust God.

Beloved, are you struggling with trusting God in your waiting season? If so, stop striving to figure things out and surrender everything to God.

Day 2

About this Plan

Holding on to Hope in Your Waiting Season a 5-Day Plan by Krista Pettiford

Krista Pettiford encourages believers in a waiting season not to give up when God gives them an impossible-sized promise – something contrary to what our circumstances conclude that only God can do. God kept His word to Abraham and Sarah after waiting twenty-five years because they held to their hope, and He will do the same for you.
