Control Freak?!Sample

Control Freak?!

DAY 4 OF 7


The pause button is one of my favourite remote-control functions. Picture the scene - you are half-way through the latest episode of your fave Netflix series and there’s a knock at the door. You do not want to be interrupted, however, it might be the delivery you are eagerly awaiting. Not to worry, you can use the wonder that is … the pause button. You can quickly pick up from where you left off. A round of applause for good old pause!

I believe that pausing is a function we can use and should use more in our lives. Pausing simply means to stop temporarily. We have the power to pause what we are thinking, saying or doing.

Pausing our thoughts - If you are anything like me, your mind can often be drawn to the opposite of positive ponderings. When your thoughts are running wild, press pause and consider, is this train of thought helpful? If not, then get off that chuffin’ thought train!

Pause your words - Harsh words cannot be taken back and can be really damaging. Pausing before speaking or sending that text or email where you’ve stated your raw feelings is always wise. It may be that you do proceed to speak or to press send, but pausing to consider if it’s a wise thing to say is always a good idea. Could you state how you feel in a calmer or kinder way? Will you regret what you have said or written? It’s worth pressing pause to consider this.

Pause what you are doing - Or you could say, check yourself before you wreck yourself! Taking a couple of seconds to reflect on whether your actions will help or hinder you is good advice. A five second pause could prevent you from doing something you may seriously regret.

Pausing may not be particularly exciting, but it creates crucial space to consider if what you are thinking, saying or doing is in line with your values.

Reflection - In which area do you feel most challenged to utilise the pause button? In your thinking, your words or your actions?

Prayer - God help me to see the power in the pause. Challenge me as I go about my day to regularly take a few seconds to pause and to consider if what I’m thinking, doing and saying is helpful and kind to myself and to others. Amen.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Control Freak?!

Do you struggle with wanting to have control of your life? Inspired by a mystery visitor at church, this plan reflects on the functions of the TV remote, examining what they reveal to us about the importance of handing over the control to God. Get ready to lose control!
