Three Ways to Prevent a Spiritual RelapseSample

Three Ways to Prevent a Spiritual Relapse

DAY 3 OF 3

Day Three | Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Jesus

God Wants Us to Have Unwavering Faith in Every Season.

Hebrews 12:1-2 discusses a foundational principle emphasizing the importance of maintaining unwavering faith in Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, especially when life's challenges and uncertainties arise.

In the journey of faith, the third way to prevent a spiritual relapse is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. This directive signifies a deliberate and continuous choice to keep our attention steadfastly on Him.

The author of Hebrews uses the analogy of running a race to illustrate the Christian journey. The author shares that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses—believers who pleased God by choosing faith and God's help to live out that faith well. This passage demonstrates the need to remain faithful in our own races while emphasizing obedience and responsiveness to God's leading as expressions of true faith.

Why is fixing our eyes on Jesus essential?

Examine Matthew 14:22-33. This passage provides a vivid illustration, where Peter experiences a miraculous moment of walking on water toward Jesus. Initially, his focus is fixed on the Lord, and he defies the natural laws of physics by walking on the water. However, as soon as he notices the wind and waves around him, fear creeps in, causing him to doubt and sink.

This narrative teaches us a fundamental truth about faith: when our eyes are fixed on Jesus, faith thrives, and we can overcome seemingly impossible circumstances. Yet, the moment we shift our focus away from Him and onto our surroundings or our own abilities, doubt and fear can quickly overwhelm us.

As believers, cultivating and maintaining unwavering faith requires intentional choices:

  1. Steadfast Focus: Keep Jesus at the center of your thoughts and desires. When challenges arise, intentionally turn your focus back to Him through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word.
  2. Enduring Perseverance: The Christian journey is not a sprint but a marathon. Fixing our eyes on Jesus enables us to endure through trials, trust in His faithfulness and promises, and grow in spiritual maturity.

Regardless of the season we find ourselves in, may our unwavering faith in Christ be our anchor and guide. By continuously focusing on Him, we walk in the assurance that He is with us every step of the way, empowering us to live victoriously and glorify His name.

(Personal Reflection) Journal Question

What storms or challenges am I facing that require me to fix my eyes on Jesus? How can I strengthen my faith to avoid "Peter moments" of doubt and fear?

Your Practical Action Step

Identify specific areas where doubt or distractions have hindered your faith journey. Purposefully redirect your focus on Jesus daily through prayer, worship, and Scripture meditation. Trust Him to carry you through every storm with unwavering faith.

YOUR NEXT STEPS: You have completed this 3-day plan on “Three Ways to Prevent a Spiritual Relapse!” I celebrate you! Here are your next steps:

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Until we meet again, let's continue making an impact for God's kingdom.


A. Margot Blair, Your Partner in Personal Growth🤍

Day 2

About this Plan

Three Ways to Prevent a Spiritual Relapse

Discover three essential strategies to safeguard your spiritual journey and prevent a spiritual relapse. Through engaging teachings and reflections rooted in Scripture, explore the significance of putting on the armor of God, prioritizing intimacy with Jesus, and fixing your eyes unwaveringly on Him. Strengthen your faith, deepen your relationship with Christ, and navigate life's challenges with confidence in God's protection and guidance.
