Jesus Among Us: Walking With Him in His Ministry and MiraclesSample

Jesus Among Us: Walking With Him in His Ministry and Miracles

DAY 1 OF 7

Hope and Life

Can you imagine being the mother whose only son has died in the situation described in Luke 7:11-17? One second, it feels like your life is over, but in the next, it’s as though your life has just begun. Jesus’s power transcends life and death, and His compassion covers us all. When He tells the widow not to cry, He’s telling her to have hope in what’s to follow. He’s promising that better things are coming, because He’s here for us, He loves us, and He has a plan.

Jesus holds the power of resurrection, and He displayed it, of all places, at a funeral procession. There is no greater shift than going from mourning death to celebrating resurrection power and life in a matter of seconds. And it’s not just power over life and death that Jesus holds; He can restore us in other ways too. Dead things come to life in the presence of Jesus!

So, hold on to hope. Hold on to your knowledge of Jesus’s power. Be ready for remarkable things to happen in your life. Jesus is compassionate, loving, and more than capable of turning our mourning into joy, of restoring us so that we are truly living.

What is the most remarkable thing you’ve ever seen?

In what ways do you need restoration today? How will you entrust those areas to Jesus and His love?

Jesus, You are the Resurrection and the Life. Thank You for restoring hope to us when it has been lost, and transforming lives in so many ways. I am in awe of Your incredible power. Help me to live each day aware of Your power to bring life, both physically and spiritually. In Your name, amen.


Day 2

About this Plan

Jesus Among Us: Walking With Him in His Ministry and Miracles

Description: What do Jesus’s teachings and miracles say about His love and care for us and His plans for us? In Jesus Among Us, you will come to better understand how you can be transformed by the words and works of Jesus as you grow in your trust in Him, giving you hope and enabling you to bear fruit for His kingdom.
