Help Me Fail by Anthony ThompsonSample

Help Me Fail by Anthony Thompson

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: David's Sin with Bathsheba

Key Scripture: Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

If anyone had the right to rip his shirt off and beat his chest, it was David.

I mean, the guy rolls up as a shepherd. While the entire army is scared and frozen by Goliath, David grabs a few stones, slaps one on Goliath’s forehead, and THEN chops his head off with the dude’s sword.

David then follows it up by honoring King Saul and not killing him when Saul was TOTALLY in the wrong.

David was the ultimate King. He also became too comfortable which led to a major failure.

While all the boys were out at war, David stayed home. He spotted Bathsheba. She was gorgeous and married. He didn’t care. He sleeps with her and has her husband killed.

One failure led to another, and then the prophet Nathan shows up. The Lord judges King David and it’s only because of David’s repentance that we ever hear of David again.

If David would not have humbled himself, history would have been drastically different. As you read Psalms 51, put yourself in David’s shoes. Imagine yourself crying out to the Lord.

Up until this point, David had a perfect track record. However, he failed miserably. He failed the Lord. he failed his family.

At one of David’s lowest points, he pens one of the greatest verses in the Bible, “Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.”

David’s response to failure changes the course of history. His repentance preserves Israel and sets up Solomon. David didn’t have to respond like that, but he did.

What about you?

Can you relate to any of David’s failures?

Have you endured a moral failure and felt like it was impossible to come back from?

I’m here to tell you, it’s not impossible.

The devil wants to bury you in guilt. The Lord wants to set you free. The scriptures tell us, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, because He cares for you.”

Have you ever considered what repentance would look like for you?

Just like David’s story, the Lord wants to take your mistakes and turn them into a message for His glory.

If you feel like that is too hard to even believe, I want to pray for you right now.

Lord, I ask for you to sit with each and every reader right now. Enlighten their eyes to know the hope to which you have called them. I speak peace into their situation. I speak hope into their life. Holy Spirit, show them what they need to repent of and grant them the strength to do the right thing. Bless them, and keep them. Shine your face upon them and give them peace. Amen.

Thought-Provoking Questions:

  • How does David's journey from failure to seeking God's forgiveness inspire you to deal with your own mistakes?
  • What steps can you take today toward spiritual renewal and healing from past failures?

Daily Affirmation: Today, I seek forgiveness and renewal. My failures are not beyond God's grace and power to restore.

About this Plan

Help Me Fail by Anthony Thompson

Join me, Anthony Thompson, for 'Help Me Fail,' a transformative 5-day devotional where we redefine failure as the cornerstone of growth. Delve into biblical stories, daily affirmations, and reflective questions that WILL shift your perspective. This journey is designed to empower leaders like you to embrace setbacks as stepping stones to unparalleled success and faith-driven resilience. Witness life-changing revelations in just five days.
