Women and Jesus: Faith-Filled Encounters in the GospelsSample

Women and Jesus: Faith-Filled Encounters in the Gospels

DAY 4 OF 5

I am the Resurrection and the Life

by Coral Douglas

Great sorrow or disappointment can leave a deep discouragement. How can we have faith in Jesus in the midst of disappointment?


In the scene laid out around Jesus, as He arrives in Bethany, the place of Lazarus’s death, we can imagine a wide range of tumultuous human emotions. We read as Martha, upon hearing of Jesus arrival, goes out to meet Him while Mary stays behind. In the midst of disappointment and grief, we read as Martha displays an incredible faith in Jesus. She says, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.” It's hard to believe in Jesus' compassionate heart when we feel like He has let us down. It's clear in the scripture that Martha feels disappointed that Jesus wasn't there to heal Lazarus before he died. The amazing thing is that she still runs out to meet Jesus. She’s ready to meet with Jesus in the midst of confusion, grief, and disappointment and dare to hope in Him.

How often do we run to meet with Jesus in our grief and disappointment? In the scripture we watch as Jesus encourages and teaches Martha: He says, "I am the resurrection and the life." Even when our hope and faith in this world is lost, we find hope in the eternal and abundant life we have in Jesus if we believe He is the Son of God.

Reflective Question

Have you ever been deeply discouraged? Have you ever hoped in something or someone only to feel crushed by disappointment? Do you really believe Jesus longs to meet your deepest hopes and desires for eternal and abundant life in him? Do you have faith in the heart of Jesus—that he is compassionate and longs to meet you in your grief and offer hope? Journal in response to some of these questions and spend some time asking Jesus to help you have faith that he cares and longs to meet with you.


Jesus thank you that you are the resurrection and the life. Thank you that amidst disappointment and grief I can run to you and find immense faith and hope in you. Thank you for the promise of eternal and abundant life in your presence. Help me to turn to you when I feel crushed by disappointment and to see the life and hope I have in you. Amen.


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Women and Jesus: Faith-Filled Encounters in the Gospels

What can we learn about the faith-filled encounters women had with Jesus, as recorded in the gospels? This devotional was written by five different female contributors to explore exactly that question. We at Cup of Faith, a collaborative faith blog for women, would like to thank the following contributors to this co-written devotional: Jess Hill, Kate Walsh, Angela Chiaberta, Coral Douglas, Cailyn Oesch.
