Music: Bible Songs to Stop WorryingSample

Music: Bible Songs to Stop Worrying

DAY 4 OF 4

Day 4: Be Still

Now, we know this verse Psalm 46:10 is not just about being still.

It's not (just) about God telling us to shut it (although, for some people, it couldn't hurt). 😉

The Message translation says it best, I think:

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” (Psalms 46:10)

It's about detaching yourself long enough from the madness of every day, of all stress, worrying, anxiety, work, etc. And taking a long, loving look at our loving, kind, holy and awesome God. Be still long enough to hear His voice and have a conversation.

You know, we all want God to do stuff for us. We need Him to do stuff.

And oftentimes we give Him our to-do list and rush back into the day.

But how many of us really take the time to sit, to relax, to surrender, to yield and listen to what HE has to say?

I'll tell you, it makes for a much better and more interesting conversation 😉

A relationship is a two-way street. A dialogue.

Be still, He's got you. Now let Him be God.

Psalm 46 - Be Still and Know that I Am God

10. Be still, and know that I am God!

1. God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.

2. So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.

3. Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!


All scripture from New Living Translation (NLT).
All music was created, mixed, and produced by Project of Love, Xander Stok.

This is the last day of this plan. Thank you for reading & singing the Bible with us! ❤️🔥
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Day 3

About this Plan

Music: Bible Songs to Stop Worrying

Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains four Bible songs that help you to cast your worries to God. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One song every day from the books of Matthew, 1 Peter, and more! Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Words of Life, sung to life.
