The Balanced Bible Reading Planნიმუში

The Balanced Bible Reading Plan

DAY 1 OF 365

"Plan Introduction, Part 1 of 4"

Over the next few days, these devotional sections will give you more information about the Balanced Bible Reading Plan. The plan’s story began like this:

I have asked various groups if they believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Almost everyone raises their hand, nods their head or shouts “yes” to my question. I receive the same response when I ask if they are willing to stake their eternal destiny on the truths found between its pages. The room falls silent, however, when I ask how many have read all of it. Do we not want to read the Bible, or does the following testimony sound familiar to you?

“I have tried to read the Bible several times. I usually start in Genesis, and I do fine through Exodus. However, I lose interest when I start reading Leviticus. I just don’t understand all those laws and sacrifices. I then try to read the New Testament; it’s more important, right? I enjoy Matthew, but by the time I get through Mark I am beginning to feel like I have read this story before. When I get to Luke, I lose interest and again stop reading.”

If you have experienced this frustration, you are not alone. Although many people succeed in reading the Bible this way, I think there is a better way. The Balanced Bible Reading Plan is only one of many great Bible reading plans out there, but it is unique in that it is designed to help you have a well-balanced diet of spiritual nourishment. What does that mean, you may ask? We will begin to answer that question tomorrow.
Day 2

About this Plan

The Balanced Bible Reading Plan

This plan views the Bible as spiritual nourishment, and just as the best, most enjoyable diet is one of balanced variety, this plan offers daily readings from 6 spiritual "food groups" like this, for example: Each day you will have a 1) CREATION/LAW appetizer, a 2) HISTORY main entrée with a side dish of 3) POETRY and 4) PROPHECY with 5) GOSPELS/ACTS to drink and 6) LETTERS for dessert. ENJOY!
