Walking the Path of Passion WeekSample

Walking the Path of Passion Week

DAY 1 OF 5

Palm Sunday

"They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”...Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it..." (John 12:13-14)

Kings and Presidents arrive with pomp to the adoring shouts of their followers. Centuries ago, riding gallant horses or regal chariots would be their expected mode of transportation. Today, it’s limousines and very long motorcades. The look and appearance really matters.

In Jesus’ day, kings’ expectations would have been the same. However, Jesus rarely met others’ expectations. Appearance and image meant little to Jesus. He clearly knew who he was and why he was here on earth…to be a King, but of a different kind of king; humble, not haughty, victorious but not demeaning, and charting a new course rather than fulfilling the aspirations of angry or anxious partisans. The Jews wanted their kind of King. Rome brutally kept its own kind, at least for now. In less than a week, both of those sides would line up against King Jesus and crucify him…But today, they would see a very different kind of king.

Imagine for a moment…Jesus’ very awkward ride on an inexperienced, untrained young donkey on which no one had ever ridden. I wonder if the rookie donkey may have thought, “How is this supposed to work? My goodness, am I making my Maker look bad? This is really awkward, but this is all I know.” Now imagine Jesus, thinking the donkey’s thoughts and saying to it, “It’s okay, my friend. This is how it’s supposed to look…genuinely humble. That’s the script. That’s how my Kingdom’s kings live…humble, purposed, and okay with who they are. The crowds ain’t seen nothin’ yet. But for now, let’s keep working together as best we can…and thanks for doing your faithful part in my Kingdom work. You were made for a day like this. You are what I need you to be today.”

Since Moses’ days in the wilderness wanderings, living in tents, depending on God, faithful Jews anticipated this day (Leviticus 23:40). Since the days of the Prophets, their hopes for this day had been on their radar (Zechariah 9:9). The faithful will look for this day’s ultimate fulfillment at the great gathering in Revelation (7:9). What a day this was! What a day that will be! Palm Sunday is part of a much bigger picture than we can see even today! It is the beginning of a whirlwind week that reaches its climax on Calvary, and it's resolution on resurrection morning... join us as we join Jesus and his closest followers on the journey.

Prayer: Father, help us to see Jesus more clearly as he is. Help us to watch and listen. Help us, that we might be more like him. Amen.

Written by Rev. Dr. Paul Garverick (Wesley Seminary Assistant Dean)


Day 2

About this Plan

Walking the Path of Passion Week

The five major holy days of Passion Week - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday - invite us on a narrative journey through pivotal moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. Join us on this 5-day devotional journey where we walk the path of victory, servitude, betrayal, death, and burial to experience, all the more profoundly, the power of the resurrection.
