Everyday Disciple 4 - Growing IntimacySample

Everyday Disciple 4 - Growing Intimacy

DAY 1 OF 6

Intimacy Was Important for Jesus

Being an everyday disciple of Jesus is not just about knuckling down and doing what He says. It also involves intimacy with and dependence on Jesus. True disciples have a growing relationship with Jesus in which they enjoy His love, rest in His grace, and appreciate His closeness and care. Through this deepening friendship, disciples learn to trust and depend on Jesus, and His life flows through them. Disciples are far more than followers of Jesus; they are also friends and lovers.

Please note that this Plan offers more than a daily reflection on Scripture. It is designed to forge everyday disciples who are aware of God’s presence and hear God’s voice throughout the day. Please try to build the lunchtime meditations and evening reflections into your routine, as well as the morning devotions. Before each session, pause to be aware of God’s love and presence.


Read Luke 5:15-16; Luke 6:12


This was a busy time in Jesus’ ministry. His reputation as a teacher and healer was growing and the crowds were flocking to Him. Jesus must have been both excited and exhausted by the opportunities. He had so much to offer, and His time was so short. There was so much truth to teach and so many people to heal.

Yet Jesus kept disappearing. He consistently deserted His hungry fans and headed off alone into deserts and up mountains. You see Jesus prized His intimacy with His Father and would not sacrifice this for anything. His authority and power flowed from this relationship. His healing and teaching ministry was dependent on it. Jesus wanted time with His Dad to renew His heart and refresh His spirit. He knew the real power of His life and ministry flowed from His Dad and He desperately needed to stay close to Him. Jesus couldn’t do this in the hurly and burly of ministry. Lonely places were essential.

If God’s Son needed to allocate precious time in a crowded schedule to be alone with His Father, then clearly, we will need to do the same. I’m not sure how you will manage this with all the demands on your time. I just know that Jesus showed us that intimacy with the Father is vital and that He intentionally carved out spiritual retreats in isolated places and whole nights of prayer. For Jesus, this prayerful intimacy was not an optional extra whenever He could find the time. Cultivating His intimate relationship with His Father lay at the heart of His life and ministry. He depended on it and so do we. What is a small step you can make towards isolated, intimate time with God? Maybe you can carve out an hour somewhere.


As I read about Your example, Jesus, frankly I feel inadequate. It’s not so much my laziness (although that is a factor), but often I put "doing good things" before my intimacy with You. I want to kindle a deep and close relationship with You, so please encourage me and help me carve out the space that will allow this to happen. Help me to find my lonely deserts and high mountains.

Today’s Bible Focus

“Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

LUNCHTIME (or when you can make a moment during the day)

1. Meditate for a short time on today’s Bible Focus. Let it seep into your heart.

2. Look and see what is happening around you from God’s perspective and listen to see whether God is whispering anything to you.

3. Pray for any not-yet Christians God has placed on your heart.


1. Remember: Repeat today’s Bible Focus.

2. Reflect: Reflect on the day and thank God for what He has said and done.

3. Repent: Check where you have neglected or disobeyed God during the day and ask for forgiveness and freedom.

4. Release: Name any concerns or fears on your mind and release them to Jesus.

Day 2

About this Plan

Everyday Disciple 4 - Growing Intimacy

Being an everyday disciple of Jesus is not just about knuckling down and doing what He says. It also involves intimacy with and dependence on Jesus. Disciples have a deepening relationship with Jesus in which they enjoy His love, rest in His grace, and appreciate His closeness. Through this deepening friendship, disciples learn to trust and depend on Jesus, and His life flows through them. Disciples are friends and lovers.
