What Jesus Said About BaptismSample

What Jesus Said About Baptism

DAY 6 OF 6

Questions about Baptism

Who can baptise new converts? There are no prescriptions for this aspect in the Bible. In denominational or traditional churches, pastors usually do it. But there are no New Testament restrictions regarding who may or may not baptise a new convert. It stands to reason that the baptiser must be a Christian. In principle, there seems to be no need to restrict the right to perform baptism only to ordained clergy.

The baptism of believers: The only clear description and indication of baptism in the New Testament is the baptism of believers. (People who have questions about other theological views on baptism must contact their denominations' leaders).

Should all believers be baptised? Yes. Matthew 28:19 is clear about this.

Must I be baptised with water to be baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit? No. There is no Scriptural evidence that one needs to be baptised to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Why was Jesus baptised? With His baptism, Jesus identified Himself with His earthly task: proclaiming the kingdom of God and the cross. At this point, He already took up His cross – it was the beginning of His journey to the cross. He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21), and by becoming accursed for us (Galatians 3:13). He identified Himself with those under God's judgement. He was baptised as if He was a sinner who needed redemption.

Day 5

About this Plan

What Jesus Said About Baptism

In His last command to His disciples, Jesus clearly said: “Go make disciples of all nations and baptise them.” It is not a study about infant baptism versus adult baptism. It only deals with the meaning and importance of baptism.
