Unlock the Power of PrayerSample

Unlock the Power of Prayer

DAY 3 OF 3

Once you start praying, don't stop. Daniel is a great example of this.

When Daniel was 85 to 90 years old, he had a dream. The dream was very vivid, and it left Daniel troubled, sad, and depressed about what was going to happen. He went into mourning, so he began to pray and fast for 21 days.

I don't know if you've ever fasted, but 21 days is a long time. I can imagine that Daniel felt like he was about to give up after a while. He wanted to understand this dream. He'd prayed and asked God for revelation. I'm sure in his mind he felt like God was not answering him. Maybe he felt like God just didn't care.

I don't know if you've ever done that: prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and yet didn't get an answer. Have you ever said, "God, why aren't you helping me? God, why aren't you solving this? What is taking so long?" I know that I have.

I have asked God those very questions. Maybe for you, it's someone's salvation. Maybe it's healing. Maybe it's for your finances. I'm not sure, but I think Daniel felt that very way.

Then we get to chapter 10.

It's so glorious. Chapter 10 tells us that an angel appears before Daniel and says, "I'm here to help you." Daniel replies, "I've been praying for 21 days."

The angel says, "Since the first day you prayed, God heard your words and sent me. Since the moment you opened your mouth, God said, 'Go,' and I came, and I started on my way. But there were battles that I had to fight to get here. There is so much going on spiritually that you cannot see." (This is my paraphrased version. Please read this passage yourself.)

We know the Bible tells us that we do not fight battles against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. Those spiritual forces were so great that this angel who came to Daniel needed help from other angels just to get through the spiritual battle to reach Daniel.

The enemy wanted Daniel to give up. He wanted Daniel to think that God wasn't listening. But the Bible tells us that the moment Daniel opened his mouth, God sent the angel his way. My friends, that is true for you as well.

I don't know what you're praying for. It may seem like it's taken a long time, but you don't know what's going on in the spiritual realm. You don't know the size of the battles that sometimes have to be fought before you can get your answer. Don't stop praying! There are angels fighting on your behalf. When you pray, God says, "Go!"

Keep praying. Don't give up! Unlock the power of prayer.

I pray that this plan has made you think of something new about the power of prayer. You can explore more resources like this at Katie Hauck Ministries.

Day 2

About this Plan

Unlock the Power of Prayer

Have you ever struggled to pray? I have. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, I prayed for his healing, but when he died, praying became a struggle. What I learned through that experience changed my life. It turned my eyes to how Jesus taught his disciples to pray and to Daniel, where we learn why the answer to prayers can take time. Let's unlock the power of prayer together!
