10 Days of Encountering Jesus EverywhereSample

10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

DAY 9 OF 10

Day 9: Stay Close

One rainy morning while getting Ellie ready for school, I bundled her up in her lime green froggy rain jacket and sent her out the door with Josh, who was waiting with a dad-sized umbrella to usher her safely from the garage to the car. He gave her the instruction, “Stay close to Daddy so you don’t get wet.” But she got sidetracked by the mud puddles and strayed behind. When she got soaked and began to cry, Josh went back to her with the umbrella. Gently, he reminded her that if she’d been intentional in her obedience and stayed close to Daddy, she would have remained safe and dry.

Similarly, God gave His people clear instructions as they formed a new nation and made their way to the Promised Land. These laws were for their protection; when followed, the instructions would ensure that God’s people thrived in the land He had set apart for them. Yet the Israelites got side-tracked along the way, creating a harmful pattern of disobedience. They lacked faith before crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10). They complained over the bitter water at Marah (Exodus 15:22-27). They kept manna when told not to (Exodus 16:19-20). They engaged in idolatry (Exodus 32). As a result of disobeying God time and time again, the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land was sidetracked, and they wandered the desert for 40 years.

Obedience keeps us not only close to the God who knows His purpose for us, but also safe under the cover of His protection. It is in our own best interests to follow Him without doubting His direction, complaining about our circumstances, or greedily desiring more than He has given us. Like the Israelites, we will find ourselves circling a wilderness of our own making, delaying the safety and good gifts our Father has set aside. Be obedient and see how the Father covers you, even in the rain.


What distracts you from remaining obedient to your heavenly Father? What reminders or calls to obedience might He be giving you that you’re either ignoring or overlooking? What actions can you take to better focus on His instructions for you?

Pray With Me

Father, thank You for offering Your protection and guidance to me, a sinner. I am blessed to receive Your covering. Give me the wisdom to identify distractions in my life, so I can see them for what they are. Help keep my eyes trained on You, and may my actions stay in line with the obedience You call me toward.

Day 8Day 10

About this Plan

10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

No matter your season of life or faith, these uplifting devotionals will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. If you’ve ever been lukewarm in your faith, lived absentminded of His presence, or failed to take full advantage of the time given to you, this is for you. Read, reflect, and pray with author Kariss Farris and experience Jesus, everywhere.
