Presence Carriers – David ShearmanSample

Presence Carriers – David Shearman

DAY 1 OF 7


Breaking Camp

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all on a journey through this life in which we seek to discover the answer to two questions:

1. Who am I?

2. What was I put on this earth to do?

A vital key in receiving the answer to these questions is, I believe, an ever-deepening experience of God’s presence.

For many people, life is like navigating a jungle. They are out of their depth and confused about what direction to take. Can you identify with a similar feeling of lost-ness in your life? Of not knowing which way to turn? Of being surrounded by choices and people, yet still feeling alone?

The comfort of Scripture is that God reveals Himself as our Shepherd. He is the One who leads us, and promises to never leave or forsake us. Jesus says of Himself, “I am the way.”

In finding our purpose we may be bogged down by thoughts of our past mistakes and wrong choices. But despite our past, God’s love for us is unwavering. Though we may look back over an ocean of regrets, He is still committed to our future.

The “jungle” the children of Israel had to negotiate on their journey took several different forms. It started as a place of slavery and limitation when, after centuries, God sent a deliverer. Their next test was a desert where God miraculously fed and guided them for a generation while they grumbled, made false gods and some poor decisions.

Eventually, Moses, who was soon to die himself, told the people, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance.” Where to? God said it was the land He had promised to their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey. However, the majority of the people feared it was a land of giants that devoured those living in it.

In facing your personal jungle and coming to the realization that you have “stayed here long enough”, you will be able to break camp with more ease when you agree with God's assessment of your situation. God declares that He has a promised land for you – a place of purpose; a prepared place, tailor-made for you.

There may well be difficulties to face, giants to overcome, but His presence with you will make all the difference to your journey. One thing is sure, we will never arrive where we are meant to be until we leave where we are!


Day 2

About this Plan

Presence Carriers – David Shearman

Presence Carriers is a compelling call to connect with God’s presence on a deeper level, making it integral to every part of our lives. God is committed to shaping each of us by His presence, according to His purposes. No event or circumstance is wasted in His diligence to form Christ in us. We must, however, be open to embrace change as a constant factor in our lives. 
