The Devil Will Not WinSample

The Devil Will Not Win

DAY 2 OF 5

Backsliding - The Devil’s Toolbox

I believe the word backsliding came from a description of Israel in the book of Hosea: “For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer: now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place” (Hosea 4:16 KJV). The idea is that an animal starts up a slippery bank and gets partway up, then loses control and traction, slips back, and only after many attempts makes it up to the top. Sometimes, they cannot reach the top at all. Hosea, a man of God with no intention of being fictitious, said that Israel was like the animals he had seen trying to climb a muddy hill after a heavy rain.

Backsliding begins in the heart. The believer will turn away from God, their desire and passion for Him growing cold, and go back to what comes natural to them. Many blame their circumstances. Their hearts are cooling off toward God. The fire within is dwindling; it’s not nearly what it was a few weeks or months ago. Slowly, love of God and communion with Him have turned distant and cold.

Be assured, the devil knows how to manipulate a Christian’s backslidden condition to his own wicked advantage. Pray therefore that God will give you the strength and the understanding to avoid being manipulated by the enemy.

We ought to be careful about judging others and aware of our tendency to criticize unkindly. Do not allow the devil to use such attitudes; his purpose being to divide God’s people and the Church.

Paul said in Galatians 6:1, “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.” One commentator points out that the words used here are medical terms, meaning when an arm or a shoulder gets out of joint.

One of my boys was hurt in football and had to wear a brace for a long time so his arm would stay in place. The Holy Spirit likened backsliding to a shoulder being out of joint. For someone to remain cheerful and keep smiling, as though nothing were going on while their arm is dislocated, takes more heroic ability than I have! I pray that God will do us the inestimable favor of going from heart to heart, from soul to soul, and if there’s a cooling off in there, to find it and cure it.

Heavenly Father, enable me to recognize any backslidden aspect of my Christian life. I ask that You give me the strength to address it and repent. Look on us and make us weep, giving us the grace of tears this day so we do not leave our first love. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Day 1Day 3