Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe Sample

Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe

DAY 10 OF 10

Battling For Truth in Your Marriage

Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

Five years ago, my wife and I realized that we disliked each other. We knew we couldn’t get divorced. We weren’t about to be unfaithful. But we knew we couldn’t stay where we were. So, we looked at each other, and we said, “Do we really wanna live like this for another 30 years?”

Paul learned the lesson of contentment in extenuating circumstances. As he wrote Philippians, he was in jail, had no money, and was near execution; but he still found joy in Christ. Paul’s joy didn’t come from improved circumstances. It came from living according to the truth rather than buying into the lies of the world, the flesh, and Satan. It’s the same for you and your marriage. Remember, the secret of marriage is two people walking in the Spirit, loving one another. Let’s do something about that, following the pattern Paul laid out in Romans 12:1-2:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Out of the eight marriage lies we’ve uncovered, identify the ones that are most pressing on your marriage right now:

  • Marriage is irrelevant
  • Marriage is the only way to be happy
  • Your spouse will complete you
  • You two can handle it on your own
  • Divorce is an option
  • Divorce is better for your children
  • Your marriage is hopeless
  • Marriage isn’t worth it

Read the truths that replace the lies that you find directly affecting you:

  • Marriage is divine, timeless, and significant
  • Singleness is a gift to cherish or a season to enjoy
  • Christ is the only one who can complete you
  • You need outside help to handle your marriage
  • Divorce is only an option in certain extreme cases
  • Married parents are far better for your kids
  • God offers hope and restoration for your marriage
  • A godly marriage will bring Him glory and bless the married immensely

Now, take both the lies and the truths to the Holy Spirit and ask that He would do the work that only He can do.

Spirit, show me, right now, the lies that are oppressing my marriage. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke Satan who is the father of those lies. I reject the lies as destructive and wrong. Renew my mind. Replace the lies with life-giving Truth. Reveal to me now specific changes that You want to make in my attitude and my actions. I surrender to You now. Live through me, moment by moment today, according to Your truth. Amen!!!


What lies about marriage have I believed?

What is God specifically saying to me about these lies?

What will I do about it?

What does God want me to share with someone who’s struggling in their marriage?

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Day 9

About this Plan

Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe

Satan uses popular culture, books, movies, and even other people to tell us what marriage "should" be. No wonder so many couples are unsatisfied and looking elsewhere to find happiness. Satan's ultimate goal is to divide husbands and wives and to destroy families, and he'll use anything at his disposal to do it. Pete Briscoe shines a spotlight on eight lies that can devastate your marriage.
