New Year ResolutionsSample

New Year Resolutions

DAY 2 OF 5

A New Start

Yesterday’s reflection on New Year resolutions raised the thought that no matter our circumstances, the real New Year we need is one that everyone is a candidate for – to become a New Creation in Christ according to the will (resolve) and love of God. God has done for us what we, in our most noble of resolutions, are incapable of. In this sense, our New Year resolution has been done by another for us.

The trap that snares our best intentions, that militates against our finest efforts is sin, with its pernicious partner, guilt. Even when we do make excellent resolutions, sin works against us, trying to undermine, often succeeding. This is no reason to do nothing, but it makes for a realistic appraisal of our limits.

The core issue hamstringing our finest intentions has been dealt a death blow on the cross of Jesus. In this instance, a death was required as only death would release us from the tyranny of sin. Our faith in His death resurrects us with Him into new life.

It is God’s resolve that gives us a fresh start, a new day, a new life, new year. When the downward drag of sin is jettisoned from our lives, we can truly live a new life – given to love and service, free of selfishness and inner conflict. Our resolves are now centred away from ourselves, towards others – a relief to us and them.

This is all possible not just because we are committed to a belief about the cross and what it accomplished, but because the Holy Spirit who lives within us makes the reality of freedom an experienced reality.

God offers us a new start, one without the burden of personal resolution to accomplish – even if we could. This is what I call Good News.

Day 1Day 3