How the Shepherds Found JesusSample

How the Shepherds Found Jesus

DAY 2 OF 3

The Lamb of God

The Hebrew name for "tower of the flock" in Micah 4:9 is Migdal Edar. This was a place highly esteemed in Jewish tradition because Jacob buried Rachel in this place and moved his flocks to these fields.

Migdal Edar was on the edge of Bethlehem, and Jerusalem sat only a few miles away. This was no ordinary “tower of the flock” because the lambs in these fields were not your normal, everyday sheep. These special lambs came from a unique flock designated for sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem, and the shepherds were trained by priests to inspect the newborn lambs who were destined for sacrifice. The cave or stall where the tower stood and where they inspected the lambs was impeccably clean. These lambs could have no imperfections or be dirty. They were “wrapped in cloths” to protect them from injury.

In my Radiant Influence Esther study, I explained,

The shepherd’s field lay near Bethlehem only five miles from Jerusalem and the Temple. When the angels appeared to the shepherds and promised a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths (not clothes), lying in a manger, the angel’s words were a clue. The shepherds would know where to go because in this field after the lambs were inspected carefully by the priestly shepherds to verify their perfection, they were wrapped in special cloths to prevent injury and ensure cleanliness. Unable to find a room in the inn, Mary and Joseph found themselves exactly where God wanted them to be. It was the cleanest stable in town, and a perfect, swaddling blanket was provided. It’s these little details, so symbolic, so powerful, that get me. God does not miss one amazing element in the story. (Radiant Influence: How an ordinary girl changed the world p. 52-53)

I always assumed the clothes were all she had, but now I know that the clothes were provided. They were at the special tower where sacrificial lambs were born. And the Lamb of all lambs would be wrapped in them.

Thoughts to ponder:

What does this detail of Jesus's birth tell you about God? What does it tell you about the Bible?

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How the Shepherds Found Jesus

The angel gave the shepherds a sign leading them to a special field prophesied in Micah. This sign is often overlooked in our studies and even mistranslated in some Bibles. Come discover how the shepherds found Jesus, and what this means about the gritty details in our own lives. God does not miss a thing. He is in the details which point to our destiny.
