The God of MiraclesSample

The God of Miracles

DAY 1 OF 3

The Power of Restorative Miracles

Miracles reveal the character of God. A miracle is a remarkable occurrence that surpasses the boundaries of natural laws, brought about by divine intervention. Miracles are extraordinary signs of God’s presence and power in our lives. These supernatural events go beyond scientific explanation and the usual expectations of the natural world. Miracles are divine manifestations that demonstrate the authority and transcendence of our Almighty God.

These miraculous acts serve as clear demonstrations of God’s involvement in human affairs. Miracles can take on various forms, such as miraculous healings, unexpected changes in circumstances, divine protection from harm, or the fulfillment of seemingly impossible prayers and requests.

A miracle is a work wrought by the divine power of God for a purpose beyond the reach of man. The restoration miracles Elijah performed were about restoring the human condition, closing the door on poverty, and connecting with people’s real needs.

The first miracle of restoration the Lord performed by the word of Elijah was a miracle of multiplication.

During the drought, the Lord sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath after his time in the wilderness at the Brook Cherith. We already looked at Elijah’s interactions with the widow as an illustration of how the assignment of Elijah prophets is about both word and deed. The widow was in dire straits. Between her widowhood and the drought that was affecting both her and the people who might typically help her, the widow had lost hope.

When someone has a natural or practical need, it can become all-consuming. It is hard to hear from the Lord when your stomach is aching with hunger because you haven’t eaten in two days, or when you know your children are hungry.

When you are facing real-life, day-to-day, in-your-face struggles, it is hard to have hope. But we need hope. The Scripture says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Prov. 13:12). Hopelessness brings sorrow. Hopelessness brings defeat. Hopelessness undermines faith.

The Book of James asks, “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?” (2:15–16). That is why the Elijah anointing carries the power for miracles of restoration—for when physical needs are met, hope and faith are restored.

Day 2

About this Plan

The God of Miracles

Can we really count on God to do miracles? In this 3-day devotional by Michelle McClain-Walters, you’ll look at the miraculous power of God demonstrated through the prophet Elijah and how the Lord still works in these vast and glorious ways today.
