

DAY 2 OF 4

"Praising While Bitter"

In Day 1, we talked about the need to forgive. Have you continued praying that God would reveal any unforgiveness in your heart? Maybe as you continued praying, you truly believe that you have forgiven all those who have hurt you. If so, great! If not, there will be signs of it. Today I’m going to refer to those signs as a “fruit”. We’ll get to that in a moment.

In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul wrote, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” The fruit of the Spirit is evidence that you are a faithful follower of Jesus and have drawn close to God daily.

That’s the Fruit of the Spirit. What is the “fruit” of unforgiveness?

If you can imagine someone that hurt you in the past, what thoughts come up? Does it leave you soured? Do you get angry? When talking about that person, do you speak ill of them, gossip about them, slander their character, or assume the worst about their intentions? If so, this is the evidence that someone still needs to be forgiven.

Bitterness is the fruit of an unforgiving heart. Grudges are the root; bitterness is its’ fruit. Worse yet, bitterness becomes like a 'lens' that we look at life through. A bitter lens will lead you to only see the bad in those that you haven’t forgiven. If left unaddressed, a bitter lens will lead you to see the bad in everything in life. A person with a bitter lens sees everything that is wrong with everyone else; and is blinded or unwilling to look and see what is wrong within.

Christians, we’re called to have a lens of gratitude. Our God is too good for us to be embittered by the world. Which lens are you looking through, gratitude or bitterness?

If you have a lens of bitterness, here’s another prayer challenge that looks a lot like yesterday’s prayer:

#1 – Ask God to show you the root.

#2 – Ask God to give you the desire to remove it.

#3 – Ask God to give you a new heart.

#4 – Ask God to give you a new lens.

With a lens of gratitude, you’ll begin to see the ones that hurt you just as God sees them: forgiven.

Father in Heaven, set me free from any bitterness in my heart, and help me to get to the root of the issue. Lord reveal to me any unforgiveness in my heart, give me the desire to forgive. Through it all, give me a new heart and a new lens. I want to have a heart full of sincere gratitude as I walk daily with you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Day 1Day 3