Living Out Of The BoxSample

Living Out Of The Box

DAY 9 OF 9


“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39

As we’ve been discovering, Jesus’ love for us is pretty incredible! The thing He asks in return is that we love Him, and those around us! He’s given us a new life, and that’s something to be shared! Through everything we do in life, we can influence those around us with God’s love. By our character, our decisions, and values, we can reflect God’s love.

Now loving God and loving others doesn’t just mean having good feelings about them. There’s more to it than that. Loving someone means putting them and their needs before yours. It means serving and caring for them, whether you feel like it or not… Let’s be honest, there’s probably some people in your life right now that aren’t easy to love. But God calls us to love those around us regardless of our feelings, and He’s here to help us do that!

We have to focus on our relationship with God first. It’s our number one priority in life! This loving relationship with Him will enable you to love those around you. A part of loving God is also walking in obedience to Him, and one of the biggest things God asks us to do is share His love with those around us. The last thing Jesus told his friends before He left the earth was to go and make disciples and teach others about His commands… Now this doesn’t have to be scary, or complicated. Your life has been changed by the love of God, and people will see that, so make the most of that opportunity to share your story. Simply tell people how God has changed your life and tell them what you know about God from reading the Bible. There’s a joy inside of you now, and that joy is contagious, so share that with those around you!

Action Step: 
This joy and love you know and are experiencing is not to be kept a secret! Ask God to show you some specific people in your life that you could share Jesus with. All you have to do is tell them how God has changed your life, and let them know that He loves them and wants to have a relationship with them! 

Make it a point to tell at least one person a day or in a week something good Jesus has done for you and in you. 

You can even pray for someone in need, or someone who is sick. 

God changes hearts and lives. All we must do is share His love and our story with those around us. 
My Prayer:
Jesus, thank You for giving me purpose, joy, and a new life! Thank You that You have a plan for my life and that I get to share this love and joy with those around me. Help me to be obedient in sharing Your love with those around me and to be bold in my faith in You. Amen.

We’re so thankful that you’ve taken the time to walk this journey! We hope it has encouraged you and inspired you to pursue a relationship with Jesus by doing things like reading your Bible and praying daily! We’re thrilled that you were a part of RAVE 2017, and we look forward to seeing you more! 

Never forget that God’s love for you is relentless! 

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

Day 8

About this Plan

Living Out Of The Box

We want to invite you to have a fresh look at your journey with Jesus, and how you can help yourself not be boxed-in to your own life-plans. Our desire is that you would go beyond your limitations and discover new horizons, new and better choices, new things that God has for you. Discover what it means to follow Jesus and His ‘Out Of The Box’ dreams for you! 'Living Out of the Box' is the devotional journal for RAVE(Radical And Vibrant Encounters) the annual youth fest of AG Church, Kolkata.
