How to Share Your FaithSample

How to Share Your Faith

DAY 1 OF 5

I like God's humor!

"Oh dear, this could turn chatty," was my first thought, as a very talkative young man on this long-haul flight took a seat beside me. I had hoped for some peace and quiet, but when he asked of his own accord, "Do you believe in God?" I was suddenly wide awake!

To be honest, he asked very complicated questions. I looked around the plane at that moment, searching for a pastor, theologian, or someone who seemed more "Christian" than I to help me answer his questions.

Ha ha. Isn't that funny?

I'd like to tell you here that God deliberately let YOU—and no one else—cross these people's paths! Maybe you don't have the answer that a theologian would have at this moment, but you have your answer, the answer that this person might need in this exact situation!

And so, in that moment, I cried out to God internally, while explaining to the person sitting next to me, in a very straightforward and simple way, why I believe in God. I emphasized how wonderful and good God is.

He laughed and said, "Yeah right, so you can ask God for anything? Even for me to get champagne in economy class?"

And, you won't believe it, but by accident, during the conversation, I had bumped my leg on his Prosecco glass and the contents were now flowing onto his seat. At that moment, the flight attendant came over and said:

"Oh, we're sorry. I can't bring you another one. We're out of Prosecco. May I get you a glass of champagne from business class instead?"

Ahhh, you should have seen the look on his face!

I love it when God does things like that, and He wants to do that for you too! While we are talking about God, we will see miracles like this!

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV)

You are a miracle!


P.S. The text of this reading comes from the daily email A Miracle Every Day. If you would like to receive daily encouragement, I invite you to subscribe to A Miracle Every Day.

Day 2

About this Plan

How to Share Your Faith

The Bible says: "...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15 NIV) But what that also implies for you is: "Do this where you are right now!" I know how difficult that can be, and how often we miss those opportunities, so I'm going to give you some motivating examples!
