🌟12 Gifts of Christmas🎄✨🎁Sample

🌟12 Gifts of Christmas🎄✨🎁

DAY 9 OF 12

Welcome to day nine of the 12 Gifts of Christmas! Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner? I share your excitement! Let's open today's gift and see what's inside.

Surprise! Gift number nine is "Great Joy." This Christmas, I want you to understand that it's not just about happiness; it's about joy. Let me explain. In Luke 2:10, the angel declares, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

Often, people express a desire for happiness, believing that's what God wants for them. While happiness is good, it's not the greatest thing. Why? Because happiness is based on circumstances, and we all know circumstances can change. However, what was promised this first Christmas was joy—not just any joy, but great joy. The crucial distinction lies in the fact that happiness is circumstantial, while joy is relational.

Happiness depends on what happens to you. If something good happens, you're happy; if it's something bad, you're not. On the other hand, joy is not dependent on circumstances; it's grounded in your relationship with Jesus. Happiness is like little children playing in the kiddie pool (it's fun for a short while!), while joy is like swimming in the deep end of a swimming pool. Joy cannot be taken away from you; it's a lasting, internal treasure.

As we approach Christmas day, I encourage you to shift your focus. Instead of aiming for mere happiness, fix your gaze on your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. If your relationship in Christ is secure, you can experience great joy.

Today's Prayer: Father, thank you for the gift of great joy that was proclaimed on that first Christmas. As we celebrate this season, prevent me from chasing temporary happiness, but lead me to lasting joy in my relationship with Jesus. May the deep, abiding joy that comes from knowing you fill my heart this Christmas. In Jesus' name. Amen.

May the great joy of the Christmas message resonate in your heart and bring warmth and gladness as you draw near to the celebration of our Savior's birth.

Preview for tomorrow: Salvation


Day 8Day 10

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🌟12 Gifts of Christmas🎄✨🎁

🎁Christmas is the time of the year when we give gifts to those we love. 🎄This Christmas, I want you to re-imagine the wonder of Christmas by thinking about all the gifts you have been given because you belong to Jesus. Join us each day as we “unwrap” a special gift that is given to us from above. 🎄✨🎁 Devotional by Dr. Timothy Brown.
