ICA - 365 Daily Kingdom LivingSample

ICA - 365 Daily Kingdom Living
Faith For The Future Hebrews 11 records that Joseph had asked that his bones be taken with the Israelites when they left Egypt. Joseph must have seen that God had used him to save the Israelites in the times of famine. He must have also heard many times the promises given to his forefathers about the promised land. And he had faith for the future – even though that future would be after his life time! A sure future when the Israelites will take possession of the promised land was more reward than enough. And he asks that his bones be taken with the Israelites when they leave Egypt! What about us. Jesus is coming again. The knowledge of Christ will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Let us live today with the confidence of this happening in God's time in the future. Prayer: Lord, we thank you that you will be returning in glory. Let us live our lives today in the knowledge of your sure return. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Day 365

About this Plan

ICA - 365 Daily Kingdom Living

How do we live our lives in the Kingdom of God on earth? How do we feed ourselves with the Word of God? By reading the Bible. But how do we grasp all the Bible has to offer in an easy and enjoyable way? This reading plan spans one year with daily bite-sized chunks of devotions and scripture to help you stay focused, at a comfortable pace and without overwhelming yourself. As you begin your walk through the bible, you’ll see the God’s Kingdom reveal itself and you’ll start to hear, read, study, memorize, meditate, and apply God's word in your life.
