I Am He (S1-E8)Sample

I Am He (S1-E8)

DAY 1 OF 4

He Chose Us

In this episode, we get another glimpse into the Old Testament. Jacob has bought a piece of land and his sons are digging a well.

Jacob gets into a conversation with a resident of the area. The man says, "You're not going to find water here." The conversation continues. They talk about the invisible God Jacob serves. The man doesn't understand a thing: How can you choose an invisible God? A God with Whom it takes generations for His promises to come true? A God who makes you stay in strange places? A God who does strange things, like break your hip!

Then Jacob says: "We did not choose Him ... He chose us".

It hit me again. It's not that we choose God, but God chose us first. How beautiful is that?

The well from this story is named again hundreds of years later because where this inhabitant of the land did not believe water would ever be found, there was water anyway.

It is the well by which Jesus must pass (John 4:4). Something that made no sense at all. No Jew would take it into his head to choose this route right through Samaria on his way to Galilee.

Jews were not wanted there. Jews and Samaritans thoroughly hated each other.

Yet Jesus chooses this route because he chooses to see the woman at the well. He figured this out beforehand.

In Ephesians, we read that we are destined to be adopted as God's children. Maybe you find that hard to believe. Maybe, like the woman at the well, you struggle with rejection.

Maybe you find it hard to imagine an invisible God choosing for you.

Yet Jesus says to the woman:

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”(John 4:14).

Jesus wants to give living water. Do you want to receive this water? Because God chose you too.

Take the following questions to think about:

  • How do you look at today's theme? Did you choose God or did God choose you?
  • Do you feel rejected or do you feel that, like the woman at the well, you don't matter?


"Thank You, Lord, that You chose us. That You know us inside out. That You know exactly what we need. Thank You for being willing to meet me, even though it may happen in an unexpected place and I may not feel ready. Thank You for seeing me. Amen."

Day 2

About this Plan

I Am He (S1-E8)

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "I Am He" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.
