Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Freeნიმუში

Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free

DAY 6 OF 7

The Battle In The Mind

While it may not be obvious at first glance, the Bible has a lot to say about the mind. In fact, one of the most popular verses on the subject can be found in the book of Romans.

In chapter 12, the apostle Paul admonishes the early church to resist conforming to the ways of the world and instead, allow God’s word to transform their minds. Although Paul’s words were recorded thousands of years ago, the message behind them still rings true today.

The Word of God says in the fight for our minds, the weapons of our warfare are not physical. Instead, they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. This simply means our enemy is not other people.

That is why the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, urged believers to cast down arguments, vain imaginations and every high thing that tried to elevate itself against God’s knowledge.

Not to mention, believers were also mandated to bring every thought into captivity into the obedience of Jesus Christ. How do we do this? By filtering every thought through the Word of God, which is the undiluted truth.

In other words, you may feel ugly, but God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Likewise, you may be convinced that all hope is lost, but the scriptures state God has a plan not to harm you, but to give you a future and a hope.

This practice won’t come easy at first, but it is crucial in demolishing negative thought patterns and strongholds.

While addictions may start in the heart, the condition is manifested in the mind. This means that destructive habits and poor thinking patterns are actually formed by repetitive actions and belief systems that become ingrained in our conscious and subconscious minds through repetition.

That’s exactly how the devil develops strongholds in each of our lives. After these walls are built, he tries to drive us into isolation so he can go in for the kill.

The good news is God gave us a game plan to withstand Satan’s attack.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free

Stuck in your head? You're not crazy. Fantasy can be an enjoyable escape from stress, but what happens when the coping mechanism once used to distract from worries becomes an addiction that perpetuates the very issues that prompted withdrawal in the first place? You make a choice to quit daydreaming! This plan is designed to help you renew your mind through God’s word to wake up and break free.
