Unexpected: Five Women in the Lineage of JesusSample

Unexpected: Five Women in the Lineage of Jesus

DAY 12 OF 12

Mary: Faith in Action

By Megan Brown

The lights are dimmed, the meal cleared, and everyone has gathered to worship and pray. The room is full of anticipation, deep faith, and hope. It feels like home.

I imagine this is how the room upstairs felt. In Acts 1:14 we see, once again, Mary’s faith in action. After Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples knew prayer was essential. Here in the early moments of the Church, we see the women gather with the men for constant prayer. This act of unity demonstrates the power of the resurrection and the coming function and role of the Church. What a change!

Scholars believe the women joining the “prayer meeting” suggests women will continue to play a key role in the Church moving forward. Their meeting together for study, prayer, and fellowship demonstrates the collective unity and hospitable spirit among the believers.

As she joins in offering fervent prayers for the fulfillment of all Jesus promised, we can imagine Mary filling the role of treasured matriarch and guide to the young followers. She believed from day one in God’s great plan—she gave the green light after all—and she was eager to see the coming of the Spirit.


  1. How does your community practice prayer?
  2. For you, does prayer serve as a means of unity among fellow believers and the Triune God?
  3. What would it look like if we leaned into this model more today?

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Thank you to our contributors Rebecca Rhee, Carolyn Haas, Susan E. Payne, Anna Rask Emison, Megan G. Brown, and Anna Friendt for providing the content for this study.


Day 11

About this Plan

Unexpected: Five Women in the Lineage of Jesus

Jesus’ story on earth starts long before He was born. It begins in the wombs of women whose stories are complex, messy, and often unexpected. Join us as we dive into the lives of five incredible women—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary—who made up Jesus’ lineage and discover how they made a mark not only within their lifetimes, but also in the years and years to come.
