Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of LeadershipSample

Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership

DAY 21 OF 21

A Simple Question

Why do you lead? Is it to exercise power over others? Is it to maintain a sense of control? Is it because you want to make a name for yourself? OR Is it because you see the needs around you? Is it because Jesus compels you? Is it because the goal is worthy? Is it out of love for the One who loved you and calls you to follow in His footsteps? Paul, whose life was changed by encountering the risen Christ, simply said that for him, to live was Christ. Why do you lead?

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.—Philippians 1:21

Prayer: Jesus, examine my heart. Search my motives. Show me where my leadership motives are not pure. Cleanse me. Open my eyes to the needs surrounding me. Show me how I can make a difference. I want to lead from a servant heart today, a transformed heart. In Your Name, I ask, Amen.

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Day 20