You Are Not AloneSample

You Are Not Alone

DAY 7 OF 7

When Adam and Eve sinned, all sorts of bad things occurred. Man began sinning against man. Death and illness entered the world. Man’s work became toil. Women experienced increased pain in childbirth. When we look around our world today, it seems as though the effects of sin have taken over this world.

Sickness and death are inescapable aspects of humanity. The longer we live, the more funerals we will have to attend, and the more friends and family we will comfort through grief or watch as cancer attacks their bodies. We all pray for God to heal countless people of their various diseases. I have prayed endlessly for relief from my mental illness. I have spent thousands of hours praying for God to remove this suffering from me, but my mental illness persists just as Paul spoke of the thorn in his flesh. In His infinite wisdom, God has allowed me to remain sick.

Perhaps you are like me in this manner? The things of this world get you down. You are tired of struggling through depressive episodes. You are tired of taking meds and going to doctor visits. You wish it would end and pray that God would heal you. However, God doesn’t make mistakes, and if He has chosen not to heal you, then be assured it is part of His plan for your life.

But there is good news! The gospels tell us that one of the things Jesus did during His time on earth was demonstrate his power over sickness, disease, and death. He cured blindness, made the lame walk, made the blind see, healed lepers, cast out demons, and conquered death. The problem is that when Jesus returned to heaven, these things persisted. And they will continue to persist until Jesus returns in power and rids the earth of the taint of sin.

Revelation 21:5 declares that He will make everything new. Revelation 21:4 tells us that He will wipe every tear from our eyes. The effects of sin will vanish, for the old order of things will pass away. There is good news! When Christ returns, sickness and death will be no more. There will be no more depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or other diseases that plague our minds or ravage our bodies. Man will return to how he was created: perfect, whole and capable of eternal communion with God. We will no longer have to pray to God to remove depression from our lives, for we will worship Him in the fullness of His glory. Amen! Amen!

Day 6

About this Plan

You Are Not Alone

Those who struggle with mental illness frequently feel isolated and alone. However, God is with us in our suffering. We will examine five Bible characters who struggled with mental illness. We will then consider the new heaven and new earth, where mental illness will be no more.
