Transformed: 7 Pillars Of A Legacy Minded ManSample

Transformed: 7 Pillars Of A Legacy Minded Man

DAY 2 OF 9

Pillar 1: Prayer

Legacy-minded men don’t stay stuck in discouragement; they turn their problems into prayers and watch God turn their situation around. Yes, prayer is work. One reason men avoid it is because they perceive prayer as passive. But, when men deliberately engage in times of prayer, they find out that it’s hard work, and many of them give up.

Becoming a man of prayer will not happen by accident. It takes training. Just like an athlete working on a physical challenge, prayer is a spiritual challenge that takes much effort. Even though it is hard, it is well worth it. The recipe for spiritual victory always includes prayer.

As men, we face a constant flow of demands, problems, and crisis situations. We have a choice to make—we can tackle these problems in our own strength, or we can pray for God’s help. Just like a runner eating plates of pasta before the marathon, prayer is our fuel to keep going.

By establishing the pillar of prayer, you can bring God into every situation you pray about. On your own, you are limited. Prayer invites God’s constant presence and infinite power to bear on your problems. It is also a key part of building the other pillars of your legacy.

God created us for his pleasure; he desires a best friend relationship with you. Your time with him brings pieces, parts, ideas and opportunities to be successful in life.

Think About It:

  • What pleasure does God get from us praying?
  • What practical ways can we make in our hectic, 24/7 lives, to be with Him?
  • What rewards come from prayer?
  • Prayer is more than one person talking. What other piece(s) can be a part of prayer?
  • You make the time for things you have placed as a priority. Prayer is on your list, but what priority have you made it?
  • Why do we say "prayer changes things?"

Legacy Lifter:

If prayer is both parties talking, it would be a great idea to bring a pad and paper with you when you pray. God loves downloading through thoughts, images and scripture that will lift you, inspire you, and answer you.


Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Transformed: 7 Pillars Of A Legacy Minded Man

Jesus did not only come to save us from our sins. He came so that we could, through His divine power, build a new and different life in Him. Transformed leads men to build the strongest foundation possible. Do not live with without a strategy. Focusing on these pillars will help you become a legacy-minded man and will result in a life of lasting impact.
