Living Changed: With ConfidenceSample

Living Changed: With Confidence

DAY 5 OF 5

Eyes to See

At this point in the plan, you may be thinking that you’d like to have confidence in God like David and Elijah, but you don’t know how to get it. That may be because while some of us are able to trust more easily, others are more naturally inclined to ask questions. If you tend to look for facts and proof, there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s how you were created by God. Besides, having confidence doesn’t mean never having doubts and never asking questions. If you need reassurance, it’s ok to ask God to help you walk in confidence day-to-day.

One of Jesus’ own disciples had trouble believing without seeing. Thomas had witnessed Jesus perform countless miracles and believed He was the Son of God. However, when the other disciples told him they saw Jesus, who had risen from the grave after His brutal death on the cross, Thomas was skeptical and wanted proof.

A week later, Jesus appeared to the disciples again, and this time Thomas was there. Instead of scolding Thomas for his unbelief, Jesus welcomed his curiosity. Jesus chose to meet Thomas right where he was, physically and intellectually. And when Thomas saw Jesus face-to-face, his faith and confidence was renewed.

God isn’t overwhelmed or annoyed by our questions. He welcomes them. He delights in our questions because He wants us to come to Him when we’re in need. At any time, we can ask for perspective, vision, and wisdom, and God will generously give it to us without irritation or criticism.

If you’re looking for ways to grow your confidence in God, you’re off to a great start. Through this plan, you’ve already taken steps to walk boldly in Christ:

  • You’ve called out your giants. You know that the best way to fight the obstacles in your life is to stop focusing on what’s standing in your way and fix your eyes on God. He is a Waymaker, and He’s bigger than anything that may come against you. He has already equipped you with everything you need to step into battle. You have spiritual tools like prayer, Holy Spirit promptings, Scripture, worship, and godly community, and His strength will fill in any gaps.
  • You’ve begun to identify and root out the idols in your life. Continue to ask God to reveal to you what you need to remove from your life, what relationships are unhealthy, and where you need a reordering of priorities.
  • You’ve uncovered what you’ve been trying to hide. Instead of letting the enemy hold your secrets over you, bring them to light. If you still need to, it’s not too late to confess it to God and ask for His forgiveness. His Word promises that He is faithful and just to forgive us. Then take your healing a step further by sharing it with a trusted friend. Continue following God’s guidance on what to share with who. Your story may be the exact thing someone else needs to hear so they can heal.
  • You’ve recalled the dreams God placed in your heart and begun to recognize that life’s detours aren’t necessarily dead ends. Continue to reflect on what barriers you need to make peace with or reframe as part of the journey. Consider if there are still dreams you need to resurrect because you lost heart when the path took an unexpected turn.

As you work to gain confidence in God, remember that even though you will face challenges, God has already won the war. The end of the story is written. He has conquered sin and death. If nothing else, you can have confidence in that truth. So, when you’re tempted to focus on your struggles, ask God to give you a fresh perspective. Ask for eyes to see–not what the world or the enemy puts in front of you, but eyes that see with holy vision.

Action Step: Keep pressing forward. Keep doing the hard work to fix your eyes on God. You may not have the level of confidence in God you want today, but if you keep taking one more step in the right direction, eventually, you’ll be able to look back and realize how far you’ve come. Your biggest struggle will no longer have an affect on you, and God will be using your story to change other people’s eternities. You may not notice the change as it happens, but you’ll be able to see God’s faithfulness throughout your journey. And those victories will build your confidence even further.

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Living Changed: With Confidence

Is there something you feel like you were made to do, but you’ve let fear hold you back? When we believe that God is the all-powerful God described in the Bible, we can live with confidence that only comes from Him. This 5-day plan explores Bible stories that will help you know God more and inspire you to live boldly for Him every day.
