Life or Death: the Power to ChooseSample

Life or Death:  the Power to Choose

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2: Thought choice

The thermostat that sets the climate for all of our moods, words, and behaviors resides in the almighty brainosphere (yes, I just invented a new word). I remember the old public service announcement growing up “the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Truer words have never been spoken. A mindful focus on our thought patterns is never to be underestimated or taken for granted. Thoughts are the birthplace of actions and a powerful platform where either productive outcomes originate or destructive are manifested.

A common mistake we make is convincing ourselves that we cannot control what thoughts enter our brain. I would argue that since the brain is a muscle and muscle memory is real, we HAVE trained or CAN re-train our minds to default in a particular direction. As you know, the Bible calls it mind renewal. Repetition creates neuro pathways that become our new normal of thought creation. Garbage in equals garbage out. Healthy input yields healthy thought processing and healthy output.

All that to say, what we consistently think about will become our default setting and where we will naturally land. Personally, there are times I lapse into mental laziness and forfeit my psychological defenses. A song will trigger a memory of my past, that triggers an emotion, that triggers a thought. Most often, if I don’t snatch it, it can run rampantly rancid in my spirit. So to answer your question, yes, we can control where our minds go and what toxicity we allow residence. We must be aware in the moment, understand what is occurring, and take control of the next few mental minutes. It is an ongoing choice.

Satan may know our weaknesses and temptation triggers, but he cannot force action or thought. Contrary to what you may have heard, he has no authority and has limited capability. His power and influence extends only to the depths of which we allow him to lead. It is our choice to cast down thoughts that oppose or contradict God’s word of truth and promise. It’s our prerogative as to what we are susceptible. If we want a different thought life, we must choose different thought habits and create new thought pathways.

Get Honest:

Where do your thoughts naturally go when you’re tired or frustrated?

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Life or Death:  the Power to Choose

God is very clear about our obedience and the ability to choose between life and death in the spiritual sense. He rewards those who live with a right heart, faithful to His instruction, and those who serve His children. We have the freedom to choose thoughts, words, and actions and are empowered to create and maintain healthy relationships. This plan will encourage you to be intentional in your choices.
