Receiving the Refreshment of the LordSample

Receiving the Refreshment of the Lord

DAY 3 OF 6


How do we accept this gift and rest in Jesus when what we WANT to do – what we feel we MUST do - is somehow find a way to “fix all the things,” and to maintain control (or at least what feels like control).If we are going to receive rest and refreshment in the Lord, we must RELINQUISH control. We often use the word "surrender" here, and God’s plan for that is not at all what the world’s idea of surrender is. Have you noticed that when we are struggling, wondering why things aren’t going as we expected or hoped, that life begins to feel heavy? And the harder we strive to fix things, the heavier the burden begins to feel. You see, we were not designed to handle the burdens of this life alone. God has told us throughout scripture that we will experience hard times. In Isaiah 43:2, He tells us that He will be with us “WHEN we go through deep waters.” Not IF. WHEN. In John 16:33, Jesus also tells us that in this world we WILL have trouble. But NO WHERE in His word does He tell us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, or read more self-help books, or put on a happy face and keep pushing thru. As a matter of fact, it’s just the opposite. The rest of the verse in John 16:33 says that we can take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world. In Joshua 1:9 and Deuteronomy 31:6, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous because God is with us wherever we go. And again, in Matthew 11:28-30, we are reminded that when we surrender, or relinquish our burdens to Jesus, laying them at His feet, He carries the load for us. What He's really offering is the next R - REST. His rest offers peace. It offers protection. It offers refuge. It's a space where we find strength.

Thank you, Father, that we are not meant to handle our burdens alone. Thank you for the assurance that you are with us wherever we go, giving us the confidence and courage to relinquish, or surrender our worries to you.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Receiving the Refreshment of the Lord

In this challenging world, it’s easy to find ourselves feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and tired easy prey for the enemy of our souls. But our Heavenly Father has the answer to all of this. He offers us His rest and refreshment. As we walk through this devotional plan together, we will explore how we can receive the rest and refreshment of the Lord in this decidedly UNrefreshing world.
