Where Is God in My Mess?Sample

Where Is God  in My Mess?

DAY 5 OF 9

Stay Positive

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. -Philippians 2:5 NIV

No situation in life brings out our true attitudes like trials and troubles do. Difficult situations are called trials because they try us, and through them, we find out what we are truly made of.

When we encounter trouble, we have two options: We can be upset about the problem, or we can think about how much worse it could be. When we are having problems, our thoughts and attitudes immediately start to sink and become negative and sad, but we can interrupt their downfall by choosing to have a good attitude and think positive thoughts based on God’s Word. Positive people are much happier than negative ones.

Many years ago, I was extremely negative. I used to say that if I had two positive thoughts in a row, my mind would cramp. This is an exaggeration, of course, but it reflects the way I viewed myself. I believed, as many people do, that if I didn’t expect anything good to happen, I wouldn’t be disappointed when it didn’t. What an unhappy way to live!

When people told me about their spiritual victories, I thought, That won’t last. When people spoke of their faith, I smiled, but I thought, They are so naive. I thought often about how plans would go wrong or how people would disappoint me. I had experienced so many difficulties and disappointments in my life that I was afraid to expect anything good because I didn’t want another disappointment.

Everyone will face disappointments and have regrets. When we have regrets, we feel sad or disappointed about something that has happened or something we have done. Everyone makes mistakes, sins and experiences losses. But if we allow ourselves to wallow in regret too long, it steals the enjoyment of life that God wants us to have.

Jesus says in John 10:10: The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) (AMPC).

Part of living with a positive attitude (and having joy) is learning how to let go of life’s disappointments and regrets instead of letting them pile up until our life is filled with them. When we choose a positive attitude and decide to believe what God’s Word says about our situation and our future, it brings life. Positive, godly thoughts lead to positive words and feelings, and it spreads to every single part of our lives. God is positive, and if we want to be in agreement with Him, we also need to be positive.

Here are some lessons I have learned about maintaining a good attitude when life isn’t going my way or I’m tempted to dwell on past disappointments. I remind myself of them from time to time and find them helpful. I hope they will be helpful to you, too.

1.Maintain the right attitude and be positive even when you find yourself in a mess.

2.Realize that difficulty won’t last forever. (I remind myself that “This, too, shall pass.”)

3.Don’t make major decisions during your time of trouble if you don’t have to.

4.Seek God’s presence at all times. Stay close to Him. He will comfort you and guide you.

5.Try to keep your situation in perspective. The way you view your circumstances will determine how you think and feel about them.

Remember, God is good and He is with you, and it’s important to look beyond what is happening right now to the end result. The Bible says that He works all things for good for those who love Him and are “called according to His plan and purpose” and that what Satan means for harm, God intends for good (see Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20). This is really exciting when you think about it. When the enemy throws trouble at us, all he is really doing is putting us in a position to be blessed if we keep a good attitude during the difficulty!

Life is going to get difficult at times. But if we can remain positive and focus on God’s promises even when negative things are happening, it is one sure way we can be blessed in our mess.

Adapted from the book Blessed in the Mess by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2023 by Joyce Meyer. Published by Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prayer: “Lord, right now, in the midst of what I am going through, I ask for Your help to keep my eyes focused on You and the good things You are doing. Comfort me, guide me, and allow me to see my situation with a fresh perspective. You are always positive, and I ask You to help me to remain positive, knowing You will work everything out for my good because You love me. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Where Is God  in My Mess?

When life gets messy, when the storm is raging and you’re looking for an escape hatch, hold on! Joyce’s newest study shines a light on God’s enduring promises and teaches you what to do during the trials. Discover His kindness, His strength, and His blessings in the midst of life’s difficulties.
