Verified by God, Not Social MediaSample

Verified by God, Not Social Media

DAY 2 OF 4

A Different Perspective

Have you ever spent time trying to prove your worth to the world? Whether through achievement, status, or even a social media verification check? It can be a daunting task and an exhausting journey.

But today, I want us all to look at things from a different perspective: What if we already had a stamp of approval?

As Christians, we know that God sees us as special and valuable. We see this in 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”

God has already verified us and set us apart as His own even before we did anything. This is unbelievable grace and favor! We’re already validated by God, so what is left to prove?

People may try to tell us we’re not worthy, that we have to do certain things to be seen as legitimate. My challenge to you today is: Don’t buy into that lie. Focus on the promise God offers to each of us that we are special, created in His image and protected by His love.

God verified us without checking our social media, credentials or worth – shouldn’t we in turn trust in Him and receive His grace? Let’s rest in the fact that our worth comes from God and not from what the world will tell us. We have nothing left to prove.

Today, let’s thank Him for the amazing grace we’ve been given and know that no matter what comes our way, God verified us and loves us — and that’s all we need!

Day 1Day 3