Through GenesisSample

Through Genesis

DAY 1 OF 14


Creation is a story we all know. What if the thundering voice of the God is the Big Bang the scientists claim? I am not here to defend the Bible or prove science is wrong or even try to find a compromise between the two. We can either believe the Bible or not.

Do I understand the creation story? No. Does it appeal to my logical mind? Yes and no. Yes, because there is an order in creation. God did not create man first and then man’s needs, but He created everything man would need, then man. No, because I am unable to comprehend how God created all in a week (I plan to ask God when I get to heaven). Though there are parts which don’t make sense to my logical mind, there is no reason I am compelled to believe it is not true. When I look at the star-filled sky, walk along the beach, look at the mountains, I can’t but wonder about the God who created this universe and me.

The manual of any product we buy never tells us how the product was created. We never question a human creation but just accept it having full faith in the inventor of the product. How much more would the creator of the universe expect us to believe HIM and accept what He says? Every manual has parts of the product somewhere right in the beginning. The creation story can be compared to this. As the manual covers aspects of what to do, what not to do, solutions for troubles faced, we find these instructions for God’s creation in the Bible.

In today's passage we also see the fall of man. A significant thought from this passage is that God created man to have communion with Him, but we also see God giving man freedom to do what he wants. How else can we explain the fact Adam and Eve were able to disobey God? The freedom God gave man was not understood by man and he made the wrong choice.

Lessons learnt when making a choice
- Consult God.
- We will have consequences, good or bad.
- Learn to pause and weigh the pros and cons.
Day 2

About this Plan

Through Genesis

Going through the book of Genesis. For those who have thoughts about the passage they read that day. This reading plan is aimed at having a systematic study in spite of the not-so-interesting chapters.
