

DAY 4 OF 5

This song had ulterior motives…for Him!

"Too much thought has deprived me of sleep; life is full, but my heart remains empty." That's a song line from my last album. And in fact, I have to say that I wrote many of the songs on the album during sleepless nights.

"I can't sleep." (Psalm 102:7, NIRV), David even said! And we can read other similar verses throughout the Psalms. Yes, even David had trouble sleeping! But something beautiful about David's writings is that he never leaves problems unanswered. He always shows us how he dealt with his problems.

"I lie awake thinking of You, meditating on You through the night. Because You are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings. I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely." (Psalm 63:6-8, NLT)

I used this scripture in my song and then got a little nervous when the song became a big hit on German radio. Because when people just hear it with no context, there's the possibility that they could misunderstand it, thinking that it's a love song.

I was all the more surprised when I heard radio announcers say some profound things about it, even giving introductions like, "Listen to the next song carefully. It's not about simple love…this is about something much more precious."

David, too, knew he had the most precious love in life, a love that answered his deepest questions! A God who didn't look the other way as he lay sleepless at night.

Yes, there are answers to prayer for your insomnia, too!

Even if you don't yet know why you can't find rest, you can trust that it will come again if, like David, you keep telling God that you need Him. As you do, you'll soon experience what's written in the Psalms: "I can lie down and sleep soundly because You, LORD, will keep me safe." (Psalm 4:8, CEV)

This is my prayer for you!

You are a miracle!


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan


Are you familiar with sleepless nights? When you can count sheep all you want, but nothing happens? I've been there many times, both when I was struggling with depression and afterward. I'd like to share my experiences and thoughts with you in this upcoming series.
