Aaron Shust - Love Made a Way - The Overflow DevoSample

Aaron Shust - Love Made a Way - The Overflow Devo

DAY 1 OF 7


My dad, when he was young and single, flew from Chicago to London to buy his dream motorcycle, a Triumph. Triumph was on strike that day, so he bought a different brand, but that’s beside the point: he loved that motorcycle! When he met my mother, however, he loved her even more. He sold that motorcycle to afford an engagement ring. He knew what was of greater value and anything preventing him from attaining his highest goal wasn’t going to survive.

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a story describing what the kingdom of Heaven is like. He said it’s like a treasure hidden in a field. A man stumbles upon it, realizes the incredible value of what he’s discovered, and then buries it again: but with a plan! In his joy, he sells everything he owns and buys the field, therefore becoming the owner of this great treasure. A treasure worth far more than everything he had owned beforehand.

Can you imagine knowing this inside information? He could think of nothing else, he had to have that treasure! Every decision he made passed through the filter of obtaining that land! He was captivated by the thought! Joyfully caught up in the excitement of what was soon to be his! His heart beat for nothing else. Every breath was in anticipation of possessing that treasure!

According to King David, only the unfailing love of God is priceless. Everything else pales in comparison. Jesus told us not to store up for ourselves treasures on earth, where things are destroyed or stolen but to store up treasures in Heaven.

Oh that my heart would beat for things that last. That I would consider the valuable things in this life as if they were garbage compared to the surpassing, invaluable greatness of knowing Him.

To meditate on this further and listen to Heartbeat on The Overflow Christian music service please visit, oflow.it/00ne/8XU9MgjBYA

Day 2

About this Plan

Aaron Shust - Love Made a Way - The Overflow Devo

Dove Award winning Singer/Songwriter and Worship artist Aaron Shust writes and performs music with the purpose of pointing listeners back to Christ. In this 7 Day Devotional in partnership with The Overflow Christian Music Streaming Service, Aaron connects us with the scriptural application to seven songs from his latest album, Love Made a Way.
