Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of GodSample

Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of God

DAY 4 OF 7

Defeating Dissension and Disunity

The Church

We spoke yesterday about defeating the devil’s design for destruction by steadfast faith and prayer and receiving God’s protection. One of the enemy’s favorite targets for destruction is the body of Christ. When there is disunity and dissension among believers, often in the form of bickering, gossip and quarreling, damage is done to God’s primary vehicle to carry out His will today: the Church.

Discernment in Intimacy

“This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.” – Galatians 2:4

The Bible warns us that sometimes the enemy might use people, including false believers, to bring division and confusion. We should take care to build up close relationships and fellowship with believers whom the Holy Spirit points out to us are those we can trust.

Discernment in Personal Tendencies

How do you resolve conflict? It is inevitable that where two or more are gathered, there will be potential for disagreement! Not even a married couple has the same view on all matters. It’s God’s grace to us that we talk out issues with love, while aiming to edify each other and build one another up. We may find during times of disagreement that selfish ambition rears its head, and we want to be ‘right’ at all costs - even at the cost of peace among our Family. When the enemy tempts us to give into our desires that lead to dissent, instead we can follow Jesus’ example of gentle submission.

“Gird your loins with the belt of truth”

Although often translated as ‘belt of truth’, the original Greek for this part of the armour was an instruction to ‘gird your loins with the belt of truth’. Traditionally, men in biblical times would wear long garments or robes. It was not always practical to perform highly physical tasks with long skirts, so men used to ‘gird up their loins’ or wrap the garment in such a way as to ensure free movement. In the same way, Jesus Christ holds His Body, the Church, together in unity through His truth. As you put on your belt of truth, pray that your brothers and sisters in Christ would do the same, so that you would be wrapped up together and held safely as one in Him.

Reflective Question

Is there anyone in your life who consistently stirs up dissent that you could perhaps distance yourself from? Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your own heart: are there any habits of gossip, slander, irritability, or lack of submission that cause dissent in the Body of Christ?


Jesus, today we commit to our brothers and sisters in Christ: to love them and speak lovingly to them. We ask You to sanctify us to become peacemakers. We repent for the times we have allowed the enemy to stir up dissent in our midst - either by allowing someone to speak inappropriately or by ourselves choosing to speak in an unhelpful manner. We thank You that You Yourself knit us together into the body of Christ, strengthening us to do Your will. Amen.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of God

None of us will go through this life without facing battles. The death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection mean that we can share in His victory and be conquerors and overcomers. He never promised us that we would not suffer, in fact, He warned us that we would have many troubles in this world. Our strategies for facing these problems are outlined for us in the Bible.
