I've Witnessed It - a 7 Day Devotional by PassionSample

I've Witnessed It - a 7 Day Devotional by Passion

DAY 5 OF 7


The people of God have always been most distinguishable when the presence of God was in their midst.

In the days of the Exodus, God made his home in the Tabernacle in the middle of the camp. During the days of King David, the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to Jerusalem, where God’s presence would rest, and the kingdom flourished. However, as the kings and people of Israel continued to disobey God, eventually leading to exile, God removed His presence from the temple and the people were hopeless.

Until Jesus.

In John 1, it says that Word (Jesus) was made flesh and made His dwelling among us. What a miracle that our God has come to us. Later, in His final moments on earth, in John 14, Jesus promises to send us the Helper, the Holy Spirit.

Because our sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, the Spirit of God can actually live inside of us. We no longer have to seek God’s presence, as within every believer now resides the Hope of Glory, the Holy Spirit. He is a helper, a teacher, and a friend. He empowers us to live the life Jesus has called us to.

God wants us to experience a closeness with Him. He wants us to let go of lesser things that don’t satisfy our souls. He is calling us to a deeper relationship with Himself. The good news for those who are in Christ is that we now have permanent access to the throne room of God through the Spirit.

In Acts, when the Holy Spirit came into the lives of the disciples, they began to live and walk with a new sense of purpose in the world. These everyday, common men and women literally turned the world upside down as the Spirit empowered them to carry the message of Jesus to the world.

This same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and was moving in the early Church is alive in us. The Spirit has the power to change and transform our desires and make us more like Jesus.

So today, let’s pray for a hunger for the Holy Spirit to move in and around us. Let’s ask the Spirit to lead us and help us live our lives in a way that shines bright.


Day 4Day 6