How to Really Pray for Foster FamiliesSample

How to Really Pray for Foster Families

DAY 1 OF 3

How to Really Pray for Foster Families

Day 1 Pray for Their Personal Foster Ministry

Stepping into the Calling of Foster Care

Foster Care is a countercultural ministry that is like no other. Someone who is called into Foster Care may not realize they are doing the work of true religion.(James 1:27) When anyone steps out to be in full-time ministry, Satan is going to take notice and fight with everything to stop this influence into other’s lives.

Pray for the children in foster care because they are the image-bearers of God. Satan hates that foster parents may influence and change the trajectory of this child and future generations. The foster family is the image of the Kingdom of God in that we are taking ‘the least of these’ into our homes and nurturing them as Christ would. Foster families are literally the hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of a crisis for a family. To remove a child would mean something is not safe in that child’s life.

Foster Parents are the strong tower of God serving the children He gives foster parents temporarily. Hebrews 2:13b Amplified Bible “…Here I am, I and the children whom God has given Me.”

Representing Christ

Christian foster families represent the church, discipling children that may not have ever been introduced to Jesus. I remember reading Bible stories before bed and a young, sweet foster child asked, “How is He [Jesus] so magical?” She had never been to a Vacation Bible School or a Sunday School Class.

Today that child’s mother is serving Christ and helping other addicted women overcome circumstances that led to getting her two small children moved to a stranger's home. Jesus worked on this mother through our humble friendship and through her daughter by my simple nightly bible story reading and family church attendance.

This ministry is not easy because often foster parents are seen as the enemy of the biological family. Christ can bridge this gap; however, Satan will put up a fight because destiny's are at stake.

He doesn’t want this generation knowing the truth of the gospel, changing future generations toward love and desire to please Christ.

Pray for the ministry of foster parenting. Pray for open doors, hedges of protection on the marriage, receptive children, and open minds toward the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Day 2

About this Plan

How to Really Pray for Foster Families

Do you know anyone doing foster care? Whether you do or not, foster parents could use your prayers. In this simple, three-day Plan, find three prayer topics that could transform the foster family, the biological family, and future generations.
