Just Don't Give Up! - Part 3: Glory in TrialsSample

Just Don't Give Up! - Part 3: Glory in Trials

DAY 2 OF 6


“After this, Job lived 140 years, and saw his sons and his grandsons, four generations.” – Job 42:16

When we are in trials, we often ask, “Why? Why me?” Job expressed many whys in chapter 7 upon his sudden sufferings. He thought he was being a burden to God such that he became God’s target to attack (Job 7:20). He couldn’t see why God cursed him so badly. So he started to question God.

Job was confident that he was an upright and blameless man – and he was right. However, Job was wrong when he used it against God, doubting God's justice and decision. Job became prideful of his righteousness. He forgot that God is far greater than any mortal.

Did Job have weak faith? No. In fact, God said that Job had faith like no one. Because God loves him, God wanted to purify Job and allow Job to know Him personally. Job finally confessed his imperfections, stopped asking why, and started to ask God for instruction (Job 42: 1-6). What happened next? God extended Job’s life for another 140 years with more blessings and happiness than he had ever had before.

I was in the hospital for my first chemotherapy treatment. The nurses were ready with their gloves, gown, and face mask. They brought the medicine in a purple bag labeled "Cytotoxic drug." I watched carefully as they put it into the lining of my hand. The orange fluid flowed into my body. I Googled the word and found out Cytotoxic means a poisonous substance to both good and bad rapid-growth living cells.

Deep in my heart, I was very tempted to ask God, “WHY must I go through this hardship? Why and Why me?” I tried to recall the mistakes I had made in the past. I asked myself if there was any sin, which had caused me to be in this situation. But I knew it wasn’t right to blame God, so instead of accusing Him, I started asking, “What is Your purpose, God? There must be something You want to teach me through this season, and I know it is for good.” I repented and asked God to strengthen my faith.

After that day, God started revealing things that I couldn’t understand before. Though I have not seen the complete picture yet, I could see Him slowly piecing the puzzle together.

If you are still continually asking God for reasons for the trials you face, I encourage you to stop asking why because it is not helpful. Instead, start asking God for His purpose for you through the hardships. He is a God of purpose. Everything He does has a reason though we may not comprehend, for His ways are higher. I believe with my heart that when we persevere in the season of pruning, we will witness God, not from others, but because we experience Him personally.

God permits trials to people He wants to use for a greater purpose


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About this Plan

Just Don't Give Up! - Part 3: Glory in Trials

Are you finding your life journey to be difficult? Are you feeling as though you are in a dark tunnel and there seems to be no way out? Are you feeling as though you are losing hope and are close to giving up? If you are in a difficult season right now, especially if you are battling cancer, this 40-day reading plan will help you to walk victoriously with God.
