Completely Single: Learning to Become the Right OneSample

Completely Single: Learning to Become the Right One

DAY 5 OF 5

FEET: Letting go of the past to move forward into your future

I enjoyed helping prepare you for the next season of your life. You are taking the necessary steps to grow and mature in God as a single person for your future friendships and family and that is a big deal.

Now in today’s devotional, we want to explore one more thing that a lot of singles struggle with and that is moving forward.

However, let’s talk about moving backward first. The story of Abraham is sometimes overshadowed by the extremely tough decision that God presented to Abram at the genesis of their relationship. We read, “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12:1-2‬ (‭NIV‬‬)

Why would God have Abram leave his father’s household? Because they were involved in idol worship which is in direct violation of God’s covenantal laws. This is Abram's family, his kin, and his culture, and God said it’s time to move on. It was so hard for Abram that he actually disobeyed God and brought his nephew Lot along. “So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12:4‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

I know some of you might be reading this for the first time and even shaking your head but my question to you is, what or who is your Lot? What has God told you to let go of or leave behind from your past season so you possess the new land God has destined you to have? I can go down the list of things or types of people we should move from but let’s be real, you know exactly what and who it is. The only thing you have to ask yourself is do I truly believe and trust God has something better for me than my present or past choice?

Some people would say that you are a product of your decisions. But I read somewhere that we as Christians are a product of our priorities. To move forward in our relationships, whether platonic or romantic, we have to decide not to go back to our past in fear of what lies ahead. We also have to lay down our plans for the future and all of our so-called important priorities and hand them over to God. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” ‭‭(NIV)‬‬

You see, to truly be successful in your single season, we must do the will of the Father. We must yield our will and even our ambitious nature to God. Not looking to the right or left (or even behind us) but looking up ahead of us. (Psalms 121)

I will leave you with this. God loves you and He cares for you. He sent His One and only Son for You around 2000 years ago so you can have an abundant life. All He is looking for is your 'Yes' to Him and also your 'No' to your past, which is destroying your present and stealing your future. So what’s your answer? Are you ready to move forward in Him and accept Him and the new life He has in store for you? The choice is yours.

Say this prayer with me. Father, thank You for the gift of free will. You have given all of us this will to choose You. Today, I decide to move forward making You my ultimate priority, and choose to serve You for the rest of my life. Help me make better decisions that will benefit Your Kingdom. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This devotional coincides with my book #CompletelySingle: Learning How To Become the Right One Before Meeting the Right One. In this book, I also talk about our eyes and how God desires to keep boundaries on our eyes to protect us from wanting things that are not meant for us. I give practical ways on how to guard our eyes from pornography and other lusts. Purchase the book today.

Day 4

About this Plan

Completely Single: Learning to Become the Right One

Be honest. If God sent you the "one" today, would you be ready for him/her? Or would you potentially sabotage the relationship and cause more harm than good? Truth is a lot of us are dealing with baggage from past relationships and toxic cycles that need to be dealt with. Join Damien as he helps you become whole from head to toe before you meet the right one.
