Savage Warrior: Called to Be Rugged & RighteousSample

Savage Warrior: Called to Be Rugged & Righteous

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3:


Our soul is comprised of our mind, our will, and our emotions. These three are closely intertwined and sometimes trip over each other while processing thoughts and feelings, which lead to actions and behaviors. A thought leads to an emotion, and that leads to a decision to perform an action related to the original thought. This seems intuitive and fairly straightforward. However, too many times, we act before discerning a thought or processing an emotion. Warriors pause and contemplate strategically, considering the potential casualties and possible consequences, before executing tactically.

King David might be my favorite hero in the Bible. He began as the least likely of warriors, as the runt of the litter as it were, but ultimately became a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Imagine the mental gymnastics he must have encountered to generate the courage to fight Goliath. His internal self-negotiations must have been unbearable. Despite immense mocking, ridicule, and doubt from onlookers and adversaries, David understood the importance of standing up and fighting for what he believed. Warriors must engage their inner “don’t give a darn” when the fight means defending core principles and values. David never wavered from his convictions and was not controlled by fear, doubt, or apprehension. His soul was sturdy and steadfast in completing the mission set before him as a savage warrior.

We, too, will face the day when we have to claim our hill worth dying on for the sake of our family or our faith. We will be required to plant our flag with conviction and certainty. We will face a defining moment (or moments) that requires us to stand firmly planted in God’s promises of victory, dismiss debilitating emotions, and derive the will to walk through adversity and opposition. Similar to David, we might be the least likely candidate and most unassuming force to overcome the struggle or the battle before us. However, as we read the Psalms, we see David afraid and desperate, yet consistently praising and petitioning God in all circumstances. Resilience remains faithful and determined in spite of hardship.

Warriors assess the situation with mental agility and must calculate a tactical response, despite counterproductive feelings or emotions. Our soul can work for us or against us, depending on the lies or the truth we believe. What we are believing is what we will be living.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Savage Warrior: Called to Be Rugged & Righteous

This Bible plan will call you up and out into your true calling of legitimate masculinity as the savage warrior God created in all men. In addition to reminding us of the standard set by Jesus's example, this plan shares insight about our three-part composition of body, soul, and spirit. You will be encouraged to ignite the fire of noble manhood within you while unleashing the savage warrior that is in your DNA.
