

DAY 9 OF 15

In order to grow fruit, a gardener must make sure that both the vines and the branches in their garden are healthy. If the vine is out of sync with the branch, by being broken or not given enough nutrients, the branch will not be able to bear any fruit. When this happens, the branch tends to slowly brown and fade away, until eventually, it will need to be pruned away and removed.

As believers, we know that we’re the branches connected to the main vine of Jesus Christ. When we’re in a true relationship with Him, we’re able to see the “fruit” in our lives - fruit such as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This fruit is not only evidence of our own life spent with Jesus, but it also helps to show the people around us who may not be believers what Jesus can do in their lives as well. Staying connected to the vine is key.

What are some things you can do each week to make sure you’re continually connected to the vine of Jesus Christ? What will you do to make these things a priority in your schedule? Is there someone in your life who can check in with you on a consistent basis to help keep you accountable?


Day 8Day 10

About this Plan


A small shift can be enough to change your perspective. When we shift our perspective, we allow ourselves to see something in a whole new light. Many of us have a picture of what we want and expect Jesus Christ to be, but if we allow ourselves to shift our perspective, we can see a God who is so much more than we think.
