Couples: Kindness ChallengeSample

Couples: Kindness Challenge

DAY 6 OF 10

Challenge 6

1 John 3:18 (NIV): “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

Kindness Illustrated

Our actions speak louder than our words, especially when it comes to real agape love. Agape love is best described as love that is selfless, sacrificial, and unmerited. You‘ve heard it said before, “Show me, don’t just tell me.” When you love others in this way, you serve them, you look out for their best interest, and you put them first before yourself. Agape love is what Jesus demonstrated for us on the cross at Calvary!

Action Steps

When you hear about loving others, the first person that should come to mind is your spouse—the one who loves you, lives with you, and knows every little detail about your life. Your spouse is the one you confer with the most and the one who when you’re down is your first responder. And all of this is because inside your spouse’s heart and mind exist a love that is unexplainable; a love that bears all burdens and is irreplaceable. There should never be a reason for you not to show love to your spouse, even in the midst of trials. Every spouse should emulate the Lord’s characteristics by being forgiving, merciful, and graceful. If you look at your spouse as a gift God has given you, you should extend kindness at all times. What you do unto your spouse you are doing unto Him.


Day 5Day 7