Watch With Me Series 1Sample

Watch With Me Series 1

DAY 1 OF 5

Watch With ME

Seeking the perspective of Jesus

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” Matthew 7: 24-26 NIV

Okay, I admit it. I am a man and because I am a man, I have consistent traits like all the rest of you. For instance, I would rather have a tooth pulled without a painkiller than ask for directions when my wife is in the car with me. I would rather figure it out on my own than read the directions for putting something together. I always think that the extra parts lying on the floor after an assembly were not necessary… that is until the legs fall off the rocking horse and the swing set falls apart when it is used. Here’s an example:

Not long ago I did some landscaping in my yard. I built a wall using an interlocking system of concrete blocks. The directions told me to dig down deep and lay the first course of blocks on a firm, level foundation. After this necessary investment of time and energy on the foundation, I could then build the rest of the wall easily, and it would be strong. Did I mention to you that I am a man and we try to do things more quickly, more easily, and more efficiently? Would you be surprised to learn that because the weather was ideally dry and the ground solid, I could lay that first course of blocks more quickly by not digging down as far as those “waste of time experts” wanted me to? As a result, I had that wall built in a much shorter amount of time! I got that puppy out of the ground so all my neighbors could see it and I walked around that block wall with a smug, “I thought so” look. I was so cocky, as I agreed with myself that they didn’t know how to build that block wall. It took a guy from Mississippi to figure out a better way!

Did I mention to you that it was dry at the time? Well, the rains came later, and they came and came and that wall followed the stream of water down the hill? Did I mention to you that I am a man that didn’t listen to the great Mac McKenzie quote when he espoused those immortal words, “Son, life is hard, but it’s much harder when you do stupid things?” So, like most of you who have to do the same thing occasionally, I ate my humble pie and rebuilt the wall the right way. I went back to the neglected foundation and dug down deeply as the instructions had told me to do in the first place. I invested the most time into the foundation, even though it is the only thing about the wall that is not seen. After the foundation was correctly in place, I then built the wall on top of it. Since that time, the rains have pounded on my wall and it has stood their assaults. It is strong. It is doing its job, and I am secure that it will now stand firm. It is firm because the foundation has been laid correctly.

I use this illustration to make an important point. Most of us have had the “rains and storms” of the economy, and these challenging times, assault us lately. Some of you have stood strong, for your foundation of hope has been built on the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life. It hasn’t been an easy ride for you either, for like everyone else, a challenge is a challenge, our hurts are our hurts, and doing without is still doing without. But, you are not afraid. You still have joy, for you still have the hope of knowing that your rescue is around the corner, and your Rescuer is not asleep at the wheel. You will survive, and you know it. You are being challenged, but your wall is holding, for your foundation is secure. It has been built on the rock of your relationship with Jesus Christ. All those hours you have invested in getting to know Him and abiding with Him have given you an assurance that even surprises you with the way you are facing this time! Keep it up. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and He will walk you through this crisis. You will stand the test!

Now, there are others of you who are deeply afraid, and your “wall” is falling down around you. You now understand the above verse Jesus stated as never before. You are now coming to grips with the fact that so much of your happiness was built on an easily- eroded foundation of wealth, comfort, and the world’s value system. Frankly, you are seeing your life, as you once knew it, being redefined, as those idols, those false gods, are being revealed to you. Many of you thought that you were doing so well in your walk, and you are asking why God would allow this calamity in your life. But, ask yourself another question- why wouldn’t He if He wants to bless you by exposing those things that have come between you and Him? Would He not want you to rebuild your life, just like I had to rebuild that wall? He does this by allowing the “sand” to be washed out of your foundation and then helping you rebuild it on the solid rock foundation that He will give to you. Men, this time and your challenges, are a blessing, not a curse. Can you trust the One who has been there and is telling you to keep your hope alive? God is doing a great thing for you! He is the great “Rebuilder” of broken lives and shattered hope. Yes, it is a challenge for you, but it is only a challenge! Life is not over for you. Real life is ahead. The life that God can rebuild for you, will never be afraid when the next storm comes, for He will rebuild it into an immovable life of faith and purpose if you will let Him. But, you must keep your head up and fix your gaze on Him. He will help you rebuild your life, and it will have a much stronger foundation. Trust Him. Trust Him as never before, and watch the life that comes out of these trials unfold before you.

At the age of 37 years old, the ordinary workingman was walking to his job as a cabinetmaker. While doing so, he composed a much more familiar song. Later on, at age 55, this man left the career that he had been in for 37 years in order to pastor a Baptist church in Horsham, Sussex. He ministered in that church and didn’t miss a Sunday for the next 21 years. We don’t know what this man was going through at the time when he composed the song. However, we know that he had to find the same assurance during his hard times that you and I might need right now. It was a challenging time for him. But, it was also a time that his life and purpose were redefined. Maybe that could be happening to you. You might not write a song or pastor a church after your challenges have passed. On the other hand, you might? Whatever may come of is in the hands of the lover of your soul, and you can trust Him. Now, if you start to fear during this process that you are going through, I suggest you do as the cabinetmaker did. Look at yourself in the mirror and sing it out loud:

“On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand!”

On Christ the solid Rock I stand with you.

Day 2

About this Plan

Watch With Me Series 1

Rocky Fleming is father, husband, minister, author, with 40 years experience making disciples. Join Rocky as he reflects on everyday opportunities to see God working, through situations, to make Himself known and to change our hearts.
