Real Hope: Earthen VesselsSample

Real Hope: Earthen Vessels

DAY 5 OF 5


‘The Apostle Paul was a scoundrel – why on earth do we read or teach from his books in the Bible? They shouldn’t be in there.’ An elderly gentleman and long-time congregant of a local church shared this during a heated planning night some years ago. I was shocked and didn’t quite know what to say. Where do you start? Yes, Paul did many terrible things; however, with the greatest respect… the elderly gentleman missed a significant, game-changing point.

Let’s be honest – we are flawed, we aren’t perfect, we make mistakes, we stuff up, we get things wrong, we let people down, we bend, stretch and squeeze the truth, we go our own way, and despite this, God loves us so much that He has paid an incredible price to make a way for us to be restored and in relationship with Him as His sons and daughters.

Paul did not attempt to cover up his failings. In 1 Timothy, he wrote, ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.’ There is grace. There is forgiveness. There is new life – and it is all a gift, a great treasure, from God, for you.

God loves you, is reaching out for you, and wants you to be His family representative to those around you. God will equip you and dwell within you. And even after all of this, when our old ways creep back in and hinder the work, He is doing in us and through us, God is still able to work His purpose out through His people for His glory. Phew. Thank God for that!


Want more? Check out the Real Hope Conversations Podcast and delve deeper into our conversation about Earthen Vessels. Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Day 4

About this Plan

Real Hope: Earthen Vessels

We all have flaws. Not a single one of us is perfect, and many of us have cracks and breaks that are evidence of seasons of wilderness, loss, grief, and confusion. But despite these cracks and flaws, God, in His love, puts us back together in His only perfect way and uses us to continue to bring Him glory and share experiences of His love with those around us. As you navigate this plan, may you be filled anew with comfort and hope that your flaws, cracks, and breaks have been made perfect through His sacrifice.
