

DAY 4 OF 7

A Miracle named Terry

For those of you who read or listen to A Miracle Every Day with your families, please note that today’s text has sensitive and potentially triggering material.

I am praying for your miracle right now, my friend!

My friend Terry was a miracle. In his earlier life, Terry struggled with alcoholism. In Terry’s own words, he tried to drink himself to death so that the pain of life couldn’t remind him that he was still alive.

At a point in his life where Terry had lost all hope, to the point where he tried to end his own life…but Jesus had other plans.

Rather than being successful with his suicide attempt, the only injury Terry walked away from was a few fragmented bones. It was a miracle!

When Terry woke up from his suicide attempt, he realized that God had a miraculous plan for his life. Terry recovered and spent the rest of his life telling people about the miracle of his recovery from alcoholism, the miracle of God’s protection in saving him from his suicide attempt, and most importantly, the saving of Terry’s soul through the forgiveness of Jesus!

One evening, Terry and his precious wife Lori invited us over for dinner. I could tell that Terry was nervous throughout the meal and I didn’t understand why, as we were such close friends. After dinner, we were sitting around the table and Terry finally blurted it out. He said, “Jesus told me to do something, and I have been fighting with Him about it all day. I have to be obedient so here goes.” Terry began to sing to Laurel!

Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus

To reach out and touch Him and say that we love Him.

Open our ears, Lord, and help us to listen.

Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus.

Tears of love flowed out of all our eyes as the miracle of Terry’s obedience touched all of our hearts. We all were transported into the holiness of God’s presence as God used the obedience of one man to encourage all of us to continue to believe in God’s miracle of healing for Laurel.

Terry’s obedience reminds me of a verse in the Bible book of James:

“But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” (James 1:25, NIV)

What miracle is God asking you to participate in today? Whatever he asks you to do, DO IT!!! Don't hesitate to participate!

I know that many of you are looking for miracles in your own life today. If that is you, know that God sees your involvement in your own miracle through being faithful, prayerful, and hopeful. You are living out the miracle of faith even while embracing the fact that waiting is hard. As you remain faithful, never forget, “Now faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)

Friend, as you face today, take a moment and ask God again for your miracle. As you ask, also ask God what He would have you do today to encourage someone else as they wait for their miracle.

Terry went to be with Jesus a while back. God answered his prayer and now, he sees Jesus face to face. One day, that will be our miracle as well!

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan


Have you ever crossed paths with someone whose testimony cleary points to Jesus - through their experience, hardship, and perseverance? Come explore and be encouraged to see God's miracles through the people that He has placed in your life, and be challenged to BE THAT PERSON FOR SOMEONE ELSE!
