Dog Days and His Waysნიმუში

Getting Started
Picking up a new puppy is a magical experience, isn’t it? Puppies are precious! Their tails wag constantly, and their supply of unconditional love is endless. A new puppy is dependent on you for everything: food, water and other basic necessities. Without you (or another person) they wouldn’t survive very long.
My husband and I have two dogs, a tiny 7 lb. Morkie named Fitz and a much larger Shar Pei named Pearl. We loved it when we first brought those darling dogs home. Picking out a new collar and leash, toys, bedding and even dog dishes is a fun experience. We loved creating a space and a place for them to eat, sleep, play and do life with us.
Yet, the first few days with a new puppy often are a bit difficult as some puppies have trouble sleeping away from the comfort of their mother. Tender love and care helps them settle in and feel safe.
As Pearl grew so did her tendency to be a bit stubborn and mischievous. What once was cute and playful later turned into disobedience. It soon became time to train and discipline. The first few weeks were so hard. I read a lot and learned that repetition and time were important in working with Pearl. For her to not chew, jump up and play too aggressively with Fitz (who is much older and smaller) I had to constantly remind her of the rules. I also had to offer her grace and forgiveness time and time again.
When training a dog, I am a big believer in positive reinforcement. As I worked with Pearl (about three times a day for about 20 minutes each time) offering praise and treats worked well for good behavior. When she entered into the “terrible twos phase” her stubborn behavior escalated and, many times a bit of stern discipline was needed. Yet, because I love Pearl, I kept at it, knowing that I’d soon reap the rewards of the training.
Now that we are well on the other side of the need for a bit of tough love, I’m so thankful. Pearl is a wonderful, obedient and fun dog. She responds so well to commands, doesn’t pester her older brother, Fitz quite as much, and relishes the rewards that come with our walks and time together.
In working with Pearl, I shared about her stubbornness with my parents. “Hmmm, they said with a smile, that reminds us a bit of how you were as a little girl.” I was often in trouble for talking too much and for interrupting. I was headstrong then and even now, as an adult, I catch myself having these same behaviors. Oh, how grateful I am that My Heavenly Father intervenes, offers training, discipline and forgiveness. The writer of Hebrews relates to us sharing “Now, all discipline seems painful at the moment – not joyful. But later, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:1). This verse encourages us to embrace discipline with the promise of peace.
Sometimes His discipline comes in the kind words of a family member or friend. Other times, I find He encourages me in His word. The Bible is our blueprint for life. Many days, I’m amazed at the teaching I find in a passage I read or from my daily devotional or within the scriptures found in a Bible plan I am reading. I’m reminded that, like my love for Pearl, my God loves me. And because He does, He keeps training me. When I need it, He also offers some tough love through discipline.
Countless people of great faith in the Bible were disciplined. Adam & Eve, Cain, Esau, Moses, Jonah, King David, and Peter to name a few. Yet, look how they grew in wisdom and stature. After they were admonished, God used them for His glory. He can use us too. Now, Pearl, Fitz my husband and I serve together as therapy dog teams. Our dog’s good behavior blesses many in hospitals, schools, assisted living facilities and more. The training paid off and it’s a joy to see how they bless so many who need a bit of comfort and joy.
Father, thank You for your endless love. Your training, discipline, and endless gift of forgiveness bless me each day. Thank You that through your son, Jesus, who died on the cross, my sins and shortcomings are forgiven. As I work with my dog, may I stay steady knowing that great rewards come from offering the same love and grace that You offer me.
About this Plan

In Dog Days & His Ways, author Charlotte Guest shares how familiar commands like “sit, stay” and a few others used with our furry friends can be special lessons learned and often are needed in our own life. Through this 11-day reading plan, you’ll be encouraged to draw closer to Christ, to lean into Him and see how our “dog days” mirror His ways. As you “paws” together, you’ll enjoy scriptures that will bless and encourage you each day. “Sit” with your dog; “stay” a while and enjoy meaningful moments together with the One who created both of you.
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